Kuipers wants to help people who are waiting for the HIV prevention pill through their GP

by time news
A jar of the HIV prevention drug Prep

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Minister Kuipers (Public Health) does not intend to admit more test subjects to the pilot project with the HIV prevention drug Prep. During a debate in the House of Representatives, he said that the 3,000 people who are now on the waiting list can, in principle, also get the pill through their GP. Because not all GPs do this, he talks to them about it.

GroenLinks and PvdA insisted on expanding the group in the debate, because it has already been shown that Prep is safe and effective for sex workers and men who have sex with other men without a condom. The 3,000 people on the waiting list run a considerable risk of infection, the Aidsfonds also says.

Initially, 6,500 people participated in the pilot, but that number was already increased to 8,500 at the end of 2020. They receive the drug through the GGD and pay 7.50 euros per month for 30 tablets. The test runs until August next year, but it is already clear that it has been successful.

Carefully turn green

According to Kuipers, it is pointless to expand the group that receives the drug through the pilot again. “That is not necessary for the research question,” he said. And before such an expansion is arranged, he will almost certainly have already made a decision about the future of Prep, which will probably be reimbursed from the basic package.

“The signals are cautiously green,” Kuipers said to the MPs. We are still waiting for an evaluation by the RIVM. He thinks he will be able to make the final decision around the summer.

Moreover, expanding the trial costs money and the Centers for Sexual Health of the GGDs have insufficient staff to supervise those extra test subjects.

More expensive through a doctor

According to the minister, it is not the case that people who are on the waiting list are completely deprived of Prep. They can turn to their GP, who can also prescribe the drug. The costs are higher: according to Kuipers an average of 20 euros per month, although there are considerable differences per pharmacy.

Before the doctor prescribes Prep, a person must also have various tests done, such as a kidney function test. That also costs money or takes a bite out of the deductible.

Kuipers acknowledged that this alternative route via the GP is not very well known and that some GPs do not see prescribing the drug as their task. That is why he promised the House that he will talk to the National Association of General Practitioners (LHV) so that they will point out the availability of Prep more often to their patients.

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