Kuwaiti newspaper newspaper | Janet Jackson destroys computers

by time news

Microsoft has investigated a series of mysterious problems that afflicted a large number of portable devices (laptops), due to a “song” being played over the Internet or downloaded to the device.

And “Sky News” said yesterday, that “Microsoft” published a statement on its blog, in which the company’s chief software engineer, Raymond Chen, stated that “one of the largest computer manufacturers has found that playing the song of American singer Janet Jackson (Rhythm of the Nation) is able to Sabotage of some types of laptops.

But the matter did not stop here, as the investigation found that playing this song leads to disruption of devices made by competitors, if this device is close to the other device that plays the song.

It turns out that the song, released in 1989, contains one of the natural resonance frequencies of the computer hard drive used by this company and others.

Because sounds are simply audio waves, there is a wavelength for each material that can create the most vibration, and this is known as mean resonance.

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