Kyrie Irving accused of anti-Semitism: NBA star asks for forgiveness and donates $500,000

by time news

“I am aware of the negative impact of my message on the Jewish community and I take responsibility for it. This is called a proper coaster. Kyrie Irving admitted Wednesday that promoting an anti-Semitic film on his social media had had a “negative impact” on the Jewish community. He pledged to donate $500,000 to associations working to eradicate hatred and intolerance.

His Brooklyn Nets club, playing in the NBA, has made the same financial commitment, they jointly announced in a press release co-written with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). This non-governmental organization, whose goal is to support Jews against all forms of anti-Semitism, strongly condemned the posting, last Thursday, on Irving’s Twitter and Instagram accounts, of a poster of the film “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America” and a link to the Amazon site to rent or buy it.

Directed in 2018 by Ronald Dalton, Jr, the documentary is adapted from a 2015 book of the same name, in which it is written, for example, that “many famous high-ranking Jews” have “admitted” to having “worshipped Satan or Lucifer”. . “I don’t believe anything said in the film was true or reflects my morals and principles,” the NBA star added. A Kyrie Irving already pinned for conspiracy theories and recently criticized for his antivax positions.

“I only wish to be a beacon of truth and light”

“I did not mean to harm any group, race or religion, I only wish to be a beacon of truth and light,” added the player, who initially defended his right to post the link on Saturday during a stormy press conference.

“This label of anti-Semite that is stuck on me is not justified and does not reflect the reality or the truth in which I live every day. I embrace all walks of life and all religions, I want to learn from them, ”he also defended himself in a tweet.

An NBA not really proactive

As of Friday, the owner of the Nets, Joe Tsai, had deplored his initiative, saying he was “disappointed that Kyrie seems to support a film based on a book filled with anti-Semitic disinformation”. And since then, former stars have joined the chorus of critics, Shaquille O’Neal calling Irving an “idiot” and Charles Barkley protesting that the NBA didn’t suspend him.

Neither did the Nets, The league did indeed say if Irving would be subject to disciplinary action. She was content to condemn anti-Semitism, without ever naming the Brooklyn star. As for the players’ union (NBPA), of which Irving is one of the vice-presidents, he said he was “committed to helping players fully understand that certain words can lead to the spread of hateful ideologies”.

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