La France insoumise will exercise its right of drawing to create a commission of inquiry

by time news

Thing promised, thing due. The deputies of La France insoumise (LFI) announced on Tuesday November 29 the launch of a commission of inquiry into the “Uber Files” and the role of Emmanuel Macron “in the establishment of Uber in France”thanks to the right that each group of deputies has to create such a body each year.

The “rebellious” elected officials had registered a “proposed resolution” for this purpose in the first place of their day of “parliamentary niche”, on November 24, which reserved to them the right to decide on the agenda in the hemicycle. They had however withdrawn it at the last moment, to give a chance to other texts to be examined in the allotted time.

The group therefore has made the decision to exercise its drawing rights to allow the establishment of the “Uber Files” commission of inquiry”he announced Tuesday in a press release, specifying that if the latter sees the light of day, it would be chaired by MP Danielle Simonnet.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers “Uber Files”: the opposition denounces “a state scandal”, the Macron camp sees it as “an empty file”

“Democratic necessity”

This commission of inquiry, which still has to meet certain admissibility criteria, “is a democratic necessity”had pleaded the deputies of the group during a presentation of their proposal.

According to them, it will have to establish how Uber could “establishing themselves in defiance of the laws and regulations in force” and highlight the role of “Minister of the Economy at the time, Emmanuel Macron”in this implementation.

As part of the “Uber Files”, an investigation based on thousands of internal Uber documents, The world revealed the existence of an « deal secret » between Uber and Emmanuel Macron when he was Minister of the Economy, in order to help the American company establish itself in France.

Also listen “Uber Files”: how Minister Macron helped Uber in secret

The presidential camp had described the proposal for a commission of inquiry on this subject as “conspirator”and tabled numerous amendments to oppose it, before its withdrawal by LFI.

“I totally defended this opening of the market and I will defend it tomorrow”had for his part supported Emmanuel Macron about the “Uber Files”, during an interview given to TF1 and France 2 on July 14. “I don’t have a temperament to be under the influence”he also said, in reference to criticism of his closeness to the platform lobby at the time, before considering that the government’s action had “open the market in a balanced way”. The president then did not comment on the lack of transparency in the relationship he had with Uber.

The World with AFP

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