La Jornada – Law students express concerns about PJ reform

by time news

Through a joint statement, law students from nine public and private universities expressed their “concern” about the constitutional reform of the judiciary, which, they said, “violates the democratic system and the separation of powers.”

In the message, supported by students from UNAM, ITAM, Universidad Panamericana and Tec de Monterrey, it is noted that the reform is being carried out “without a true inclusive dialogue”. They considered that the dialogue should “consider the participation of judges as well as experts, academics, civil society, legal professionals and students, who represent the next generation of jurists and defenders of the law and the people.”

After pointing out that the creation of reforms in this matter must privilege understanding, without compromising judicial independence, he called on the legislators, officials and actors involved to “guarantee that the decisions taken comply with the principles of justice, equality and fairness.” “This has been the basis of our judicial system.”

As future jurists, “we reiterate our belief in the nobility and importance of the work carried out by all employees of the judicial branch of the Federation. We will remain vigilant against any action that compromises the Constitution and the integrity of our institutions,” they concluded in a document circulated on social networks.

The statement was signed by the “student representatives of the UNAM Law School” at the Ciudad Universitaria and Acatlán campuses; by the Law Students’ Society of the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City campus; the Student Society of the Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico (ITAM) and the Student Councils of the Law Faculty of the Universidad Panamericana.

It is also signed by the University Student Council Faculty of Law of the Universidad La Salle Mexico; the Society of Law Students of the Center for Economic Research and Teaching (CIDE); the Society of Law Students (SAI) ITESO Jesuit University of Guadalajara; the Society of Law Students of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, and by the students of the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico.

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