La Maddalena, pediatrician transferred. The mayor’s anger: “There’s only one left, a shameful decision”

by time news

The laconic press release of yesterday, September 13, with which the ASL Gallura informs that from next October 7 the pediatrician Giovanna Immacolata Geromino will be transferred, worries the children’s parents and arouses the ire of the mayor of La Maddalena, Fabio Lai.

«What happened today is frankly shameful: the transfer of an essential figure such as that of the pediatrician cannot be decided without any involvement of the community and its representatives, in defiance of a law that, for our district, should provide for the presence of at least two specialists“, said the mayor.

«A behavior that leaves local institutions alone, faced with emergencies, incapable of giving adequate answers and explanations to their citizens with respect to a choice that is learned like this, from a two-line email, without any motivation and that does not provide any escape route for families who, starting from October 7th, they will find themselves queuing up to have, if they are lucky, the service guaranteed by the only pediatrician left».

The mayor had long ago made a formal request to be able to discuss the problem of general practitioners, now he is asking that «the regional councilor and President Todde intervene as soon as possible». The ASL Gallura, in yesterday’s press release, invites users to go to the Doctor’s Choice Office, in the Community House in Padule, for the possible choice of another pediatrician: «But which other pediatrician – objects and remarks the mayor Lai – if we only have one other pediatrician!».

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