La Nupes and LFI at the heart of the exchanges

by time news

“Can we get out of this obsessive neurosis on Jean-Luc Mélenchon? “: the three candidates for the post of first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, Hélène Geoffroy and Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, posted their differences on Nupes and the alliance with LFI, during a debate on franceinfo on Friday. The first and second rounds of voting by socialist activists to appoint their new leader will take place on January 12 and 19, before a Congress at the end of January in Marseille.

“I am not the spokesperson for Jean-Luc Mélenchon”, “it is not the LFI congress here”, cropped several times the outgoing First Secretary, Olivier Faure, fervent defender of the Nupes alliance, annoyed to be considered by its competitors as subject to the Insoumis.

He notably took the fly when his rival Hélène Geoffroy, mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin, assured that Jean-Luc Mélenchon had “theorized the contribution of the voices of the far right to overthrow the government” in the Assembly, implying that the Socialist deputies had let things go for a while.

Geoffroy against Nupes

“You can’t say what you’re saying there. To suggest that the Socialists could have compromised with the far right”, replied Olivier Faure sharply, saying he was “attacked” and “angry”.

The mayor of Rouen Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol judged this spectacle “distressing”, believing that “if we want to bring the left together, we should already think about coming together between socialists”. “We have the right to confront each other”, reacted Olivier Faure, who asked him not to “give a lesson” on the pretext that he would be “in the” at the same time “”.

Hélène Geoffroy repeated that she would suspend the participation of the PS in Nupes if she won the Congress. “We are essentially a democratic party. This is not the case with LFI”, she said, believing that it was necessary to “repose the question of the union of the left” and “rework the question of the rally”.

United against Adrien Quatennens

For Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, the Nupes “is a useful framework for the National Assembly for the groups to talk to each other. But is that enough to win, no”, he said, pleading for “General States of social and ecological transformation”.

“I didn’t understand anything,” retorted Olivier Faure. “I don’t know if he is for or against Nupes. (…) How can we announce States General of the left and refuse to be in the framework in which it is spoken? “, he wondered, saying he wanted a joint candidacy in 2027.

Asked about the return to the Assembly of LFI deputy Adrien Quatennens, convicted of domestic violence, Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol indicated that if he became First Secretary and that the Insoumis sat down on the benches of Nupes, he would ask the deputies Socialists to vote on “our membership of Nupes in the National Assembly”.

Without naming names, Olivier Faure then implied that the signatories of his competitor’s motion had been sanctioned within the party for sexual and gender-based violence. For Hélène Geoffroy, Adrien Quatennens “should not sit”, and Olivier Faure recalled that if he had been a socialist, “he would have been excluded”.

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