La Nupes wants to turn the page on the Quatennens and Bayou affairs

by time news

How is the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) doing? Good, very good even, to hear its leaders. Tuesday, September 27, the left alliance wanted to convey the message of a united and combative front, hermetic to affairs concerning the deputy La France insoumise (LFI) from the North, Adrien Quatennens and the former national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens (EELV), Julien Bayou. On the same day, its 151 deputies met for a “first intergroup seminar”a half-day of work intended “to connect with each other”as Mathilde Panot pointed out.

Standing, Salle des Quatre-Colonnes at the National Assembly, the president of the LFI group was surrounded by Clémentine Autain, another figure of the “rebellious”, and her main partners, including the leader of the Socialist deputies, Boris Vallaud, who greeted “a studious and constructive seminar”. The first secretary of the Socialist Party (PS), Olivier Faure, and the Communist deputy for Seine-Maritime Sébastien Jumel were also present, while Cyrielle Chatelain, who until Monday shared the presidency of the EELV group with Julien Bayou, was alone in represent environmentalists.

Read also: Violence against women: the embarrassment of the Nupes

In front of a swarm of journalists, the opposition deputies unsheathed what looks like a battle plan. The week of October 3, they will propose two counter-budgets: the first to the government’s finance bill, with in particular a proposal for a tax on superprofits, and the second to the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS) . “Our fellow citizens have beginnings of the month that resemble the end of the month”, justified Sébastien Jumel. Other battles to be fought, those of unemployment insurance and pension reform, which the executive does not exclude from passing by way of amendment to the PLFSS.

A hypothesis ” insupportable “, according to Mathilde Panot. And to summarize the state of mind of the 151 deputies of the alliance: “Thanks to the Nupes, we still have a break left”, she asserted. This determination contrasts with the cataclysm that has shaken LFI and EELV for ten days. The latest episode is still fresh. Less than twenty-four hours earlier, Julien Bayou declared war on one of the main figures of his party, the deputy for Paris Sandrine Rousseau, accusing him of exploiting the “just fight against sexual and gender-based violence for political purposes”.

“Values ​​to promote”

Salle des Quatre-Colonnes, there is no question of addressing the heartbreak of EELV, or the possible replacement at the head of LFI of Adrien Quatennens, still a deputy but disappeared from the scene. Sébastien Jumel swept aside these subjects, which, according to him, would only interest journalists: “You have to be helpful to the people. This implies that we do not spend our lives commenting on the news. » In turn, his colleague Mathilde Panot assured that the cases of the two deputies had not been mentioned during the seminar. “Yes we are discussing, working [sur les violences sexistes et sexuelles]but we have not spoken of nominative cases”she promised.

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