La Tosca by Puccini the first opera after 100 years in the historic Selinus Theater in Castelvetrano

by time news

October 29, 2021 – 3:06 pm

Tosca will represent a symbolic hymn at the reopening of the Selinus Theater to the melodrama

from Corriere Fiorentino editorial staff

Giacomo Puccini’s Tosca will be the first opera performed after a hundred years in the historic Selinus Theater in Castelvetrano. On October 30th and 31st, the famous Puccini arias, including “Vissi d’Arte”, “Reconditaharmony”, “E lucevan le stelle”, will resound on the stage of the neoclassical architectural jewel such as the Selinus Theater (from name of the ancient Selinunte). Tosca, the title of the work and the name of the female protagonist of the homonymous drama, set to music by Giacomo Puccini. A score where the composer confirms the modernity of his compositional language, in step with the times of the early twentieth century.

The refined musical concert will be by maestro Onofrio Claudio Gallina, artistic director of the Selinus Theater, while the direction is entrusted to the expert hand of the Czech director Ludek Golat. Among the main characters, artists of international standing. In the role of the protagonist, the soprano Silvana Froli, who has repeatedly interpreted the character of Tosca at the prestigious Puccini Festival in Torre del Lago and in numerous theaters in Italy and abroad, and who is also president of the La Bohme Club Association of Lucca , which organizes shows dedicated to the works of Giacomo Puccini.

Cavaradossi interpreted by the Chilean tenor Mario Diaz, heir to the great masters of bel canto (such as Nicolai Gedda, Kerstin Meyer and Birgit Nilsson) and appreciated interpreter, among other things, of the main characters of Verdi, Bizet and Puccini’s melodrama. The baritone Emilio Marcucci, who has over thirty-five interpretations to his credit, in Italy and abroad, will be Baron Scarpia. The choir, directed by Maestro Luigi Fiore, will be the Sicilian Lyric Ensemble.

In the interpretation of the singer Froli and of the m Gallina, TOSCA will represent a symbolic hymn to the reopening to the melodrama of the Selinus Theater, designed by the architect Giuseppe Patricolo at the end of the nineteenth century, and enriched, in 1910, with the grandiose curtain created by Gennaro Pardo with the apotheosis of Empedocle in Selinunte.

Silvana Froli enthusiastically joined the prestigious Selinus all’Opera initiative, also because it is consistent with the “Puccini On” program, carried out by the La Bohme Club Association of Lucca, of which president, whose purpose is to create a relationship of trust with excellence of the territories where, from time to time, the lyrical representations of the association take place, which has as its main purpose that of spreading the music of Giacomo Puccini.

Selinus all’Opera is a project that Ars Nova, as part of its Operainpiccolo program, on behalf of the Municipality of Castelvetrano, realizes by continuing a path of promotion of the territory through music (already started in Castelvetrano in December 2020), with the exhibition in live streaming Invitation to music which saw over 10 thousand people reached and over 5 thousand views overall, through the social channels of the Association and the Municipality.

The director Golat, fascinated by the beauty of the Selinus Theater, an architectural treasure, with an atmosphere full of suggestion, has thought of a direction rich in symbolism, minimalist in the choice of scenographies, but intense in contents entrusted to the interpretation of the three main artists. The production includes the complete staging of the work, considered the most dramatic of Puccini’s verist poetics, embellished by the use of original costumes of the first performance (which took place in 1900) made available by the Club La Bohme Association, based in Lucca, birthplace of the great Italian composer

29 October 2021 | 15:06

© Time.News


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