Laayoune: A FMEJ conference highlights the prospects of Moroccan-Spanish relations

by times news cr

Speaking at an international conference, which is part of the first edition of the “Media and Society Forum”, organized by the Moroccan Federation of Newspaper Publishers (FMEJ) under the theme “the natural neighborhood and the prospects of Moroccan-Spanish relations”, the journalists emphasized the new stage that is opening in relations between Spain and Morocco, after Madrid’s recognition of the autonomy plan in the Sahara as the most serious and credible basis for resolving this artificial dispute.

During this symposium organized in collaboration with the FMEJ section in the Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra region and in partnership with institutional actors, the speakers also stressed that this recognition goes beyond geographical proximity, towards an economic and political rapprochement opening up business prospects for both parties in several areas, noting that the two countries are full of potential and resources capable of raising the levels of economic cooperation.

In a statement to M24, the continuous news channel of MAP, the president of the FMEJ, Noureddine Miftah indicated that this conference is being held in a context marked by a positive development of Moroccan-Spanish relations, noting that today the dialogue between the two countries has been initiated and is now part of the agenda of the FMEJ which has been committed to the defense of the national cause since its creation.

Moroccan-Spanish relations are currently experiencing strong momentum and are closely linked to the question of “our territorial integrity,” he noted.

The propaganda targeting our territorial integrity is mainly directed at Spanish public opinion, he observed, noting that it “also influences the Spanish media.”

Therefore, all stakeholders in the media field must, each in their area of ​​expertise, open up to communication channels to clarify the facts, he noted, expressing the hope that this dialogue will be clear and deep between Moroccan and Spanish journalists.

Furthermore, Mr. Miftah expressed his hope to organize a second meeting in Spain, considering the pivotal role of the media alongside political and civil society actors in the rapprochement between the two states, affirming that relations between the two parties have entered a new turning point characterized by an unprecedented momentum.

For his part, journalist and writer Mohamed Seddik Maâninou indicated that Morocco and Spain are linked by a particular geography generating several challenges that require rapprochement and cooperation, including illegal immigration, terrorism that is proliferating in the Sahel and drug trafficking, as well as other sensitive issues.

Mr. Maâninou also called for maintaining dialogue between Morocco and Spain to defend common interests, particularly in a world marked by changes, crises and dangers.

For his part, the vice-president of the Canario-Sahrawi Forum, Ignacio Ortiz, noted that relations between Rabat and Madrid have recently taken a new turn, following the positive developments in bilateral ties at the geostrategic level and Morocco’s position on the international chessboard.

This conference was an opportunity to highlight the use of untruths and the distortion of realities by certain media in Spain, influenced by ideological sectarianism, said Mr. Ortiz.

“Through the Canario-Sahrawi Forum, we contribute through press articles to put an end to allegations that do not reflect reality, with the aim of transmitting them faithfully,” he continued.

Furthermore, Mr. Ortiz stressed that the autonomy plan, presented by Morocco, is the only and best solution to resolve this artificial conflict over the Sahara.

For Manuel Fernando Vidal, a Spanish journalist, this meeting is an opportunity to discuss ways to further consolidate them and breathe new life into relations between the Canary Islands and the Sahara.

Arguments were presented at this meeting with the aim of restoring this fruitful and long-standing neighbourly relationship between these two regions, he continued.

Some aspects of this relationship, which are expected to be strengthened in the future, have been contained in my book entitled (Chronicles: the Sahara seen from the Canaries), said Mr. Vidal.

For his part, the president of the Canary-Moroccan Cooperation Association, Rafael Esparza Machín, considered that the future of relations between Morocco and Spain in general and between the Canary Islands and the Sahara in particular, augurs a new positive stage marked by the strengthening of bilateral cooperation ties, particularly following the change in the institutional framework governing the partnership between the two neighboring countries.

In a speech read on her behalf, the Consul General of the Kingdom of Morocco in the Canary Islands, Fatiha El Kamouri, indicated that this initiative comes against the backdrop of the new dynamics in relations between Morocco and Spain, adding that it is a step that has paved the way for strengthening bilateral economic and political relations at all levels.

In this wake, Mrs. El Kamouri emphasized Madrid’s historical position in favor of the national cause, explicitly expressing its support for the autonomy plan, as a realistic solution.

Furthermore, the diplomat highlighted the role and contribution of the media in broadening the prospects of bilateral relations between the two countries and building bridges of dialogue, in order to exchange ideas and opinions and explore the prospects of a future marked by stability and security, based on the fact that the media have a preponderant role like diplomatic action.

For her part, the regional director of communication in Laayoune- Sakia Al Hamra, Fatima El Amine stressed that the new stage of bilateral relations between the two countries reflects the mutual desire of the two neighbors to establish strong, constructive and balanced relations in order to reach the highest levels of commitment and sustainable bilateral cooperation.

Mrs. El Amine also welcomed the involvement of the media of the two Kingdoms and their role in this dynamic which will inevitably constitute a real lever for consolidating the achievements and defending the territorial integrity of the Kingdom, by using reliable data.

On this occasion, a cooperation agreement was signed between the FMEJ section in Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra and the Moroccan-Canary Islands Cooperation Association covering the areas of cultural and social cooperation and the exchange of expertise.

This conference, which coincides with the commemoration of the 65th anniversary of the Battle of Dcheira as well as the 47th anniversary of the departure of the last foreign soldier from the Southern Provinces, was marked by the presence of the Wali of the Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra region, Governor of the province of Laâyoune, Abdeslam Bekrate, elected officials and an audience of researchers and academics.

2024-09-16 14:20:26

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