Labor leader Starmer pledged to a ‘decade of national recovery’

by time news

2023-10-11 00:49:00

The Labor leader wants to end 13 years of Conservative government
Keir Starmer, leader of the Labor Party and potential next prime minister of the United Kingdom, according to polls, marked his territory on the British political scene this Tuesday during the annual congress of his force in Liverpool, with a view to the next national elections, with the promise of a “national renewal.”

In what could be his last conference speech before the next election, Starmer outlined his strategy, arguing that Labor has what it takes to reverse the decline the country experienced under 13 years of Conservative rule.

He promised to build “the next generation” of new towns, along with 1.5 million homes, as part of a “decade of renewal under Labour”, a promise that received the loudest applause at the conference.

In that sense, he proclaimed a future of “more beautiful cities, more prosperous towns and new green spaces”, setting an ambitious tone for the Labor Party under his leadership.

“We will put shovels in the ground, cranes in the sky and build the next generation of new Labor towns”he said of his commitment to redefining the British urban landscape.

He further stated that the future is one in which the United Kingdom is respected around the world, young people have a place and climate change is curbed.

The Labor leader too He promised to take measures against water pollution, the double employment of deputies and the excesses of energy companies.

On education, Starmer was emphatic that his job was to “move the ship”, promising that the complicated process of getting doctors’ appointments would be eliminated and that VAT money from private education would be reinvested in school services such as mental health counsellors. .

Regarding the reform of the Public Health System, known as the NHS, he promised that the tax on people without a fixed address would be eliminated, which would mean a significant investment in the health system.

He talked about leveraging technology and artificial intelligence for early disease detection and dramatically reducing wait times for cancer diagnosis.

However, he warned that the road out of this will be difficult.

Photo: AFP
“But know this. What is broken can be repaired. What is ruined can be rebuilt. Wounds heal. And ultimately, that project will clash with the spirit of the workers of this country. They are the source of my hope,” he said.

“Because there are two stories of the last thirteen years. A Westminster of chaos and crisis. Five prime ministers in seven years. And then, on the other side, a United Kingdom where workers never let each other down,” recalled the Labor leader.

The words “Together we will solve the challenges of the future today” resonated in the auditorium, indicating a determination to look forward.

“We all need the ability to look forward, to move forward, free of uncertainty. That’s what it really means to take back our future,” he said.

The Labor leader also addressed the international conflict, strongly condemning Hamas for the recent attacks in Israel, where women, men and children were murdered.

“I am shocked by the events in Israel. I strongly condemn the senseless murder of men, women and children – including British citizens – in cold blood by Hamas terrorists,” Starmer said.

“This party believes in the two-state solution. A Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel. But this action by Hamas does nothing for the Palestinians. “Israel must always have the right to defend the people from it,” he assured.

The climax of his speech was abruptly interrupted when a man who was later arrested by police burst onto the stage, throwing glitter all over Starmer.

The disruption was attributed to the group People Demand Democracy, which seeks electoral reforms.

Despite the glitter-covered incident he continued with his vision of a United Kingdom under Labour, later stating that he was “fine” and continued with his speech, demonstrating his determination to stand as a candidate for Prime Minister in the next general election.

#Labor #leader #Starmer #pledged #decade #national #recovery

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