Labor MK against Lapid: “The joint issue should have been considered”

by time news

Even after the closing of the lists, the confrontation between the Labor Party and Prime Minister Yair Lapid continued. Today (Saturday), Taha MK Efrat Reitan (Labor) criticized the Prime Minister following the split in the joint list and said that she was surprised like many others by the last-minute split (of the joint). According to her, “there was a need for those responsible for the bloc to pay attention instead of messing with two parties that pass the blocking percentage.”

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In the joint they attack Balad: “Irresponsible decision, I hope they will not compete”

On the other hand, Minister Meir Cohen (Yesh Atid) addressed the claims and said that they “don’t decide on Arab parties. We tried to unify in our bloc and it didn’t work. In my opinion, Meretz and Labor should have united and I wish them success. As for the Arabs, that’s their business. We don’t interfere It’s good that Sami Abu Shahada and Balad are out of the Knesset.

“The split is their business. I said that the joint venture will not be part of the government. That’s the reason, the extremism. Even a democratic and liberal country should set limits for extremist people on both sides. We have no hand or foot in this matter, in the splitting of the joint,” he added, referring to the claims made by Bell. D, according to which Lapid worked to dismantle the joint list.

“We will not submit a request to disqualify any party – neither Balad nor Ben Gvir”

Meanwhile, MK Naama to Zimi (Labor) referred to the possible participation of Hadash and Ta’al in the next coalition and stated at a cultural Shabbat event in Ramat Hasharon that “anyone who agrees to the basic lines of forming the government, the option should be examined against him. The lines are clear on national and political issues. The Labor Party wants to establish an alternative government to the bloc The second. We are the questions of leaning towards the end.”

“As for maintaining the government from the outside and relying on it, I believe that it is less politically stable than being part of the government. Leaning from the outside, if there is any, will come on a social basis. That is, it is possible that clauses in the basic lines of reducing gaps and investing local resources will allow leaning from the outside, but I leave it at that For those who need to form the same government,” she added.

MK Naama Lazimi on Hadash and Talal (Photo: Tal Shnider)

On the other hand, the Minister of Energy, Karin Elhrer (Yesh Atid), ruled out the possibility: “We are in favor of a Jewish and democratic state with values ​​and liberals.” If Tal and Hadash want to make recommendations in the president’s house, no one opposes the recommendations. They will not sit in the government, unless they agree to the basic lines. I don’t know how to sit with a person who doesn’t understand that my grandparents came from Morocco to live in the Jewish state.”

Alharer also referred to the process of disqualifying the lists, which is the next step in the political campaign. To a question regarding the disqualification proceedings against Balad, in which Yesh Atid participated in the past, Alharar stated that this time they will not file a disqualification request against Balad. “We will not submit a request to disqualify any party. You are neither Balad nor Ben Gvir. Unfortunately, in the past the proceedings were overturned by the High Court of Justice (on the issue of disqualifications) so this move has no meaning.”

MK Merav Ben Ari She agreed with Minister Elharar’s words and said at a cultural event in Kfar Yona that “in its essence, the partner does not accept Israel as Jewish and democratic. Of course, if there are specific votes, we will cooperate, but as partners in the government, this will not happen. What makes the partner much more angry is Mansur Abbas, because precisely We cooperated with him, in transferring budgets and fighting crime in Arab society, and he was a real partner. I didn’t see it as a joint effort, on the contrary, they only overcharged this year.”

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