lactose and gluten intolerances, the mistakes to avoid-

by time news

We are publishing a preview of the opening article of the new Corriere Salute. You can read the full text on the issue at newsstands for free on Thursday 29 April or in Pdf on the Digital Edition of Corriere della Sera.

The more difficult digestion, a swollen or sore belly. The thought immediately goes to a food intolerance and the most famous are those to dairy products and gluten, more and more widespread also due to the change in lifestyle, which modifies the intestinal bacterial flora, and with this the ability to tolerate food. But can you become celiac as an adult or lactose intolerant maybe after passing the door, so, out of the blue? The answer is yes in both cases, but for different reasons. Lactose intolerance, or the inability to digest this sugar present in milk and cheese, is the most frequent and due to a more or less total deficit ofenzyma lattasi, which is found in the intestine and breaks down lactose into two simple sugars that can be absorbed; if lactase is scarce, lactose accumulates, draws liquids and is fermented by intestinal bacteria that produce gas.

Inflammatory problem

You can become intolerant at any time in your life, if for any reason the production of lactase becomes insufficient or stops altogether. Mario Di Gioacchino, elected president of the Italian Society of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (Siaaic) -. The enzyme is produced in the small intestine and so for example any pathology that involves inflammation of the tissues or a deficit in the functionality of this tract, such as a nickel allergy with intestinal symptoms or celiac disease, can induce a lack of lactase and therefore the symptoms of the disorder. That is why when diagnosed with lactose intolerance it may be appropriate to investigate the condition of the intestine with tests such as colonoscopy, fecal calprotectin (a generic marker of intestinal inflammation, ed), an enema of the small intestine (radiographic examination of the digestive tract after the introduction of a contrast agent to see the intestinal loops clearly, ed): if lactase deficiency depends on an inflammatory problem, solving it can eliminate the symptoms of intolerance.

You can continue reading the article on the Health Courier on newsstands for free on Thursday 29 April or in Pdf on the Digital Edition of Corriere della Sera.

April 27, 2021 (change April 27, 2021 | 17:12)


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