Laives puts a stop to cars: “More cycle paths and buses” – Laives

by times news cr

BOATS. Everything is ready in Laives for the “Mobility Festival”, promoted by the municipal department led by Paolo Zenorini, whose responsibilities include mobility, and included in the calendar of the Mobility Week. The event is set for next Saturday, October 21st, from 9 to 12, in front of the town hall, in via Pietralba, where various local associations have gathered. There will be young people, who will paint the bicycles recovered over time. So also the association “Davide sempre con noi”, whose leaders are tireless promoters of safety along the roads and organize, for example, also the safety day at the Provincial Safe Driving Center of Vadena. On Saturday they will also propose some interesting tests, such as one that simulates drunk driving, to make young people understand the risks they run by taking to the road without the necessary lucidity.

The councilor Paul Zenorinsince the previous municipal administration, has represented the Municipality of Laives in the Board of Directors of Sasa and so has asked that on Saturday, in the town hall square in Laives, a Sasa bus also arrives and is present. “The people who come will thus have the opportunity to see up close what the public transport service means – Zenorini anticipates – and an infopoint will also be set up with a Sasa operator available to answer questions and collect any proposals regarding the public transport service. Together with a box to post these proposals or constructive criticisms, for those who do not intend to directly confront the operator”.

But the event will also serve to talk a lot and especially about cycle paths, as highlighted by councilor Paolo Zenorini: “You can’t talk about mobility without talking about cycle paths. This topic will also be proposed on Saturday, with the projects completed in the municipal territory of Laives and those that are set to be realized soon. Over the years, much has been done to increasingly improve the public transport service between Laives and Bolzano, just as work has been done to create an increasingly extensive network of cycle paths”.

In fact, the distance between Laives and Bolzano (about 7 kilometers) is very suitable for cycling (at least during the summer) made easier by E-bikes and there are more and more people who use them to go to and from the capital city. B.C.

2024-09-22 01:24:17

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