Landazabal (Gsk): ‘After the health sector pandemic towards the digital revolution’

by time news

The Covid-19 pandemic seemed to have propelled the healthcare sector into a digital revolution. The reality is that, while all healthcare systems have quickly geared up to embrace virtual care in the early days of the emergency, most continue to lag behind a true advanced digital transformation, prevention and treatment. This situation has created a new paradigm and now the opportunity is to exploit digital as a strategic element to improve the results of investment in health, on the one hand by responding to the patient’s health needs more effectively and on the other by driving productivity, freeing doctors from bureaucratic tasks and allowing them to concentrate on assistance, thus creating personalized and preventive medicine “. Like this Fabio Landazabalpresident and CEO Gsk SpA at Salute, on the sidelines of the round table “The experience in the field between a center and 21 Regions“Within the Digital Health Forum, an event promoted in Rome by Farmindustria, in collaboration with Vodafone, Novartis, Gsk, Chiesi and Msd.

The central and regional health system – says Landazabal – it must now focus on how to integrate its digital solutions into its ecosystem to drive short-term goals, how to improve access to innovation and cost management. This new integrated digital system will allow us to redesign the entire health ecosystem, allowing the redesign of the patient-centered care delivery model and the development of new care services, ensuring that it does not become an opportunity for new inequities between regions and allowing innovation to reach all patients who need it in a fair and sustainable way “.

According to the president and CEO of GSK, “the digital transformation will also change the interpretation of the sustainability paradigm. Sustainable development and digital technology communities are not yet sufficiently connected to fully address these problems. This transformation must be harmonized with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda and with the Paris agreement, by developing a digitalised supply chain with zero carbon emissions “.

The digital revolution “it will also bring new job opportunities and the creation of new high-level professional skills – adds Landazabal -. Because of this an education system updated to the new digital paradigm is needed in a very challenging scenario due to the timing that is largely linked to the NRP“. But in order to “ground this new opportunity for Italy it will be necessary to be fast and be able to recognize the value of innovation at different levels, not only the disruptive one but also the structural one with an industrial policy that promotes innovation and is open to public and private partnerships, providing simplified regulatory frameworks for their implementation “.

“Our sector is ready and interested in supporting the growth of the country with jobs and investments. We want to support institutions in this digital revolution – conclude – and transform the health system in Italy and support both in reducing the unevenness of levels of assistance between regions, and with our potential in the transfer of skills, which are essential for the creation and implementation of digital processes at the service of patients “.

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