Lapid claimed that the majority of the people are in favor of a Palestinian state – but do the polls support this?

by time news

Prime Minister Yair Lapid He claimed this evening (Thursday) in his speech at the UN Assembly that “a large majority of Israelis support the vision of a two-state solution”, but is this the case? Surveys conducted by news channels 12 and 13 examined the matter and suggested that this is not necessarily the case.

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According to a News 13 survey, 39% of respondents answered that they support the implementation of the two-state solution, while 43% answered that they oppose it. 18% answered that they do not know.

The segmentation of the data shows a clearer trend since among the Jewish respondents, 32% support both states while 48% oppose; And of the non-Jewish respondents, 77% support the two-state solution while only 11% oppose it.

According to the results of the survey conducted by Channel 12, the trend was even clearer: half of the respondents – 49% – answered that they do not support the two-state solution that includes the establishment of a Palestinian state. Only 28% answered that they support while 23% answered “don’t know”.

As mentioned, the survey was conducted in the background of Prime Minister Lapid’s speech at the UN, in which he addressed the Palestinian issue for the first time in years from the UN stage. “Israel’s economic and military strength allows us to defend ourselves, but it also allows us to strive for peace with the entire Arab world and with our closest neighbors – the Palestinians,” said Lapid. “An agreement with the Palestinians, based on two states for two peoples – is the right thing for Israel’s security, for the Israeli economy and for the future of our children.”

Lapid noted that “despite all the obstacles, even today a large majority of Israelis support the vision of a two-state solution. I am one of them.” He added: “Peace is not a compromise but the bravest decision we can make. Peace is not weakness, it embodies all the strength of the human spirit. War is surrender to all that is bad in us, peace is the victory of all that is good. We have only one condition : That the future Palestinian state will be peace-loving. That it will not become another terrorist base from which the peace and existence of Israel are threatened.”

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