Lapid in his first speech: These are the challenges of the State of Israel

by time news

Benzi Robin, Knitted News02.07.22 21:15 Tuesday in Tammuz Tishpev

Lapid in his first speech: These are the challenges of the State of Israel

(Photo: Haim Goldberg)

Today (Saturday) Yair Lapid delivered his first speech as Prime Minister, a position he entered last Friday at midnight.

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Lapid opened with thanks to the outgoing Prime Minister Naftali Bennett: “I would like to begin by thanking the thirteenth Prime Minister of the State of Israel, Naftali Bennett. For the fairness, for the companies, for leading the government in the last year to economic and security achievements that have not been seen here for years. Special thanks for the fact that the citizens of Israel this week see an orderly transfer of role between people who keep agreements and believe in each other. “

Lapid repeated Bennett’s slogans: “The State of Israel is bigger than any of us. More important than any of us. It was here before us, it will be here long after us. It does not belong only to us. It belongs to those who dreamed of it for thousands of years in the Diaspora and to those Who have not yet been born, for future generations. “

After a story about his father who celebrated a bar mitzvah during the Holocaust in hiding in Budapest, Lapid explained the principles of his reign:

We believe that Israel is a Jewish state. Her character is Jewish, her identity is Jewish. Her attitude toward her non-Jewish citizens is also a Jewish attitude. Leviticus says, “As a citizen of yours you will have a stranger who lives with you and you loved him as you did.”

We believe that as long as security needs are maintained, Israel is a peace-loving country. Israel reaches out to all the peoples of the Middle East, including the Palestinians, and says: It is time for you to recognize that we will never move from here, so let’s learn to live together.

We believe that there is a great blessing in the Abrahamic Agreements, a great blessing in the security and economic momentum created in the Negev summit with the Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt and Morocco, and there will be a great blessing in the agreements to come. The people of Israel will not live alone. Our role is to continue to strengthen our position in the world, our relationship with our great friend the United States, to harness the international community to fight Israel’s anti-Semitism and delegitimization.

We believe that it is the role of the government to keep the law, and the role of the law to keep the government. The law is what protects us from corruption and violence. The court is the one who protects the weak from the strong. The law is the basis of our common life. We believe that the Israeli economy should be based on the principles of the free market, on the creativity and dynamism of Israeli technology, but it is our job to keep those who do not. Give every child everywhere a fair chance. We believe that the Iranian threat is the number one threat to Israel. We will do whatever it takes to prevent Iran from reaching a nuclear capability, or basing itself on our borders.

I stand before you at this moment and say from here to all our seekers of evil, from Gaza to Tehran, from the shores of Lebanon to Syria, do not try us. Israel will know how to use its power against every threat, and against every enemy. We believe in praying together for the safety of our soldiers and police, by air, sea and land. “The Lord will give our enemies who rise up against us stumbling blocks before them.” We will not be quiet or rested until our sons, Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul are returned in memory, Avra ​​Mengistu and Hisham a-Sayed.

We believe in one more thing: that we are allowed to disagree. Freedom of expression is a fundamental principle. Freedom of the press is the element without which democracy would not be possible. We must make an effort to discover the facts and understand the truth.

He summed up the challenges: “The challenges we face are enormous. The fight against Iran, domestic terrorism, the Israeli education crisis, the cost of living, strengthening personal security. When the challenges are so great, we must not waste our strength in quarrels. To create a good common ground we need each other.

Our children are looking at us. What do we want them to see? We want our children to see that we have done everything to build together a Jewish and democratic Israel, strong and progressive, generous and good. Only together will we win. Thank you”.

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