Lapid sends a message to Hamas after the shooting to the south: “We will respond quickly and forcefully”

by time news

The government convenes this morning (Sunday) for its weekly meeting, chaired by the Prime Minister Yair Lapid. During the meeting, the ministers are expected to review the visit of US President Joe Biden to Israel. At the beginning of his speech, the Prime Minister referred to the trampling to death of the late Major Barak Meshulam during the night, and said: “He was run over to death last night during an operational activity. The rapist was apprehended by security forces. Our cops are risking their lives every day, to protect the lives of us all. I send a map on behalf of the Government of Israel, condolences and deep condolences to his family, his wife Ariela, three-and-a-half-year-old Alma, and one-year-old Leo. “

He later referred to the rocket fire to the south on Friday night, noting: “In response to the shooting, the IDF attacked targets in Gaza that night with two waves of attacks, to the extent that they were not prepared for it. This government policy has not changed. For every shot, for every incendiary balloon, we will respond quickly and forcefully, and without hesitation. “I congratulate the IDF on a powerful and accurate execution. We all, all members of the government, send a strong hug from here to the children of the Gaza Strip who sleep on Friday night in the protected areas,” he added.

IDF attacks in Gaza Strip. Photo: IDF Spokesman

He recalled the visit of US President Joe Biden, saying: “On Friday, US President Joe Biden said goodbye to us, after a historic visit, with political, security and economic achievements that will strengthen the State of Israel for many years to come. “From the flights over Saudi Arabia that will save Israeli citizens a lot of money and time, to the Jerusalem Declaration, which guarantees the quality advantage of the Israeli defense system.”

“During the visit, I made it clear to the President and his staff that Israel opposes the nuclear agreement and reserves full, political and operational freedom of action vis-à-vis the Iranian nuclear program. The government will today receive a comprehensive report on the president’s visit,” Lapid stressed.

At the end of his speech, he referred to the rise in bread prices – which has been rejected for the time being: “Anyone who entered one of the branches of most retail chains this morning found that uniform bread prices did not rise. A map for the marketing chains that agreed to the government’s request to wait until a solution is found. “

He concluded: “I thank the representatives of the bakeries for working with us to prevent price increases that will hurt the most vulnerable in society. This government has acted from day one in every possible way for the benefit of the weak in Israeli society, and it will continue to do so.” The issue of bread prices, we will look for and find a solution. “

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Bnei Gantz referred to the rocket fire on Friday night before entering the yeshiva, saying: “Over the weekend, there was an unacceptable violation on the part of Hamas – rocket fire into Israeli territory. The move received a very significant and powerful response, severely damaging production capabilities.” . He stressed that “I have delayed at this stage the increase in the number of work permits for the residents of the Strip. We want to maintain security and develop the basic ability of people to make a living. We consider this an important humanitarian value but it will not happen without peace.”

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