Lapid visited the synagogue at the Prime Minister’s Office • Watch

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Provisional Prime Minister Yair Lapid today (Sunday) paid an official tour of the various branches of the Prime Minister’s Office, among other things, he also visited the local synagogue, when he previously wore a kippah on his head.

Lapid entered the synagogue immediately after the opening prayer and while one of the rabbis was giving a lesson, Lapid greeted “Kavod Harav” and sat down on the spot, while the worshipers urged him to greet “Shachayinu” on the occasion of the temporary appointment.

As will be recalled and as reported in Kikar Hashabat, unlike all the prime ministers who came after Menachem Begin, Lapid chose not to visit the Western Wall after the appointment and put down a note.

In addition, in his first speech as prime minister, Lapid, again unlike the prime ministers who preceded him, chose not to mention the phrase “with the help of the name”, in addition, Lapid chose to be photographed in the traditional picture, without having holy books behind him.

At the same time, and despite the harsh criticism he received, Lapid is careful to maintain ties with the ultra-Orthodox parties and tonight, MK Degel HaTorah called MK Moshe Gafni to wish him good luck on his granddaughter’s wedding.

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