Las Tunas journalistic union honors award-winning colleagues

by time news

The dedication for decades to journalistic work was the reason to honor the three colleagues who this year receive the Rosano Zamora Paadín Work of Life Award in Las Tunas.

Graciela Guerrero Garay, Ulises Espinosa Núñez and Rafael Labrada Díaz starred, at the Upec headquarters in the province, one of the most important and emotional moments of the current Day for the Cuban Press Day.

Before an audience representing the grassroots delegations, they told anecdotes from previous stages and showed their joy at the recognition. Graciela highlighted her professional growth as a result of the constant improvement of the 26 newspaper group and of being the founder of its digital edition; Ulises spoke of the family impulse always in defense of the Revolution and Labrada was doubly thankful for this Award, since it bears the name of one of her companions in the early days of reporting.

Some of the journalists awarded with the “Ricardo Varela Rojas”, or mentions for the Work of the Year, also exchanged with those present. Yuset Puig Pupo (Written Press) insisted on the need for the works that form good practices in the country to be socialized. Ángel Luis Batista (Mention in Graphic Press) stressed the importance of continuing individual improvement.

On this occasion, and as an official welcome, Gretel Velázquez Tamayo commented on the experience of her sports coverage in Venezuela. And Leydis María Labrador Herrera expressed the commitment to be part of the candidacy for deputies to the Cuban Parliament.

At the end of the conversation, the exhibition of Black and White graphic humor, authored by Antoms (Antonio Medina) and María Sao, visual artists, members of Upec, founders of the Circle of Graphic Humorists in the territory, was inaugurated.

Inauguration of the Black and White graphic humor exhibition, authored by Antoms (Antonio Medina) and María Sao. Photo: Rey Lopez

The Negro y Blanco exhibition, in the Casa de Prensa gallery, arrived with the celebrations for Press Day and in it Antoms combines meanings and images to conceive vignettes loaded with content at the moment in which current events demand it.

For its part, MDA has chosen the black sheep, already a symbol in itself, so that it is not the drawing or the text that is the statement, but rather the painting resulting from an accurate and ironic message, you will see.

Although most of these images are published in the media around the world, they constitute an x-ray of a current reality. Black and white is the sum of reasoning plus seduction plus dream, something that agrees with what the theorist Álvarez Junco wrote recently in his analysis of graphic humor through design: satire is reflection plus complicity plus transgression. It is the union of symbols that can be hunted alone, if you are not looking for the other paw of the cat.

What is black and what is white? was the question that the cartoonists left for those who enjoy their works.

Radio Victoria journalists bet on innovation

The proposal for the creation of an Innovation Committee and the search for consensus to achieve a higher stage in the work count as the main results of the workshop developed in the information department of Radio Victoria, a provincial station in Las Tunas.

As part of the Day for the Cuban Press Day, this constitutes an improvement action that from the beginning is already bearing fruit, by promoting debate, proposing routes and generating ideas for the best collective professional performance.

Workshop developed in the information department of Radio Victoria, a provincial station in Las Tunas. Photo: Angel Luis Batista Santiesteban

The Workshop given, with samples of good practices, was led by the journalist and Master in Communication Sciences Miguel Díaz Nápoles, and its purpose was focused on how to build effective messages for social networks, designed to create valuable content and from today’s demands for those platforms.

Ada Cristina Higuera Tur, Albert Blanco Zayas, Naily Barrientos Matos, Gretel Yanet Tamayo Velázquez and Lesbia Elsa Rivera Cubelo were the proposals to integrate the innovative group, which will lead the way in order to be closer to the editorial and economic transformation of the medium.

Cover photo: Tribute to awarded colleagues in Las Tunas: Photo: Rey López

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