Las Vegas student caught on video trying to rape and strangle teacher at high school

by time news

Las Vegas Student Sentenced to Up to 40 Years for Horrific Attack on Teacher

In a horrifying attack at El Dorado High School in April 2022, 17-year-old Jonathan Martinez-Garcia ambushed his teacher, Sade, after asking to discuss his grades. A newly-released surveillance video shows the teenager battering and attempting to rape the teacher, identified only as Sade, before trying to kill her. Martinez-Garcia was sentenced to up to 40 years in prison in June.
Martinez-Garcia was seen smirking in court as his victim, Sade, recounted the terrifying experience. She was brutally beaten and choked by the teenager during the attack and faced multiple injuries, including trauma and bruising. She recounted feeling trapped and near death, with Martinez-Garcia telling her, “Can’t you die already?”
The teacher, who has had physical and mental complications since the attack, recalled that her last memory of teaching would be the horrifying attack by her student. Martinez-Garcia fled the scene after the attack, but was arrested shortly after by school police as he was on his way to an award ceremony at the school.
In his sentencing, Martinez-Garcia dressed in navy blue prison clothes and apologized, expressing regret for what he had done and stating that he was ready to “accept the consequences.”

Prosecutors maintained that there was no valid reason for the brutal crime, despite Martinez-Garcia’s claims of medication side effects causing his behavior. The judge sentenced him to a minimum of 16 years in prison, with a maximum term of up to 40 years.

The teacher’s mother addressed the court, sharing the impact the attack has had on her daughter, who has struggled with ongoing physical and mental health complications. Martinez-Garcia’s mother described him as a “good student” with no prior medical or mental health diagnoses.

The teacher and her family expressed disappointment over the attack and the effect it has had on her life. Despite the horrifying experience, the victim expressed her wishes for Martinez-Garcia to serve the longest possible sentence to reflect the severity of the crime and its lasting impact.

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