Last-Minute Compromises and Lip Reading: Insights from Netanyahu and Ministers on Canceling the Reason for Reasonableness Law

by time news

Title: Last-Minute Compromise Attempted Before Dramatic Vote on Controversial Law

Subtitle: Lip Reading Expert Reveals Conversations Between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Ministers Galant and Levin

In the lead-up to a crucial vote on a controversial law that sought to cancel the reason for reasonableness, three key figures emerged as central to the events that unfolded. Defense Minister Galant, in a last-minute effort, tried to secure a postponement or softening of the law. Justice Minister Yariv Levin, on the other hand, was determined to push it through. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu played a pivotal role as well. Through the aid of a lip reading expert, “Olan Shishi” on Friday night uncovered the conversations that took place between the three ministers in front of the cameras.

One option that emerged during the scramble to find a compromise was proposed by Defense Minister Galant, who urged his colleagues to offer something to the opposition, regardless of what it was, as a gesture of democratic values. He expressed his willingness to engage with them in conversation. Justice Minister Levin, however, maintained his position that any compromise efforts would ultimately be futile. Thereafter, Netanyahu suggested tying the law to the committee for selecting judges as a potential compromise.

Meanwhile, Galant was engaged in continuous discussions with various parties, including Minister Miri Regev, Minister Deri, Minister Gafni, and even opposition leader Yair Lapid. During these conversations, Galant emphasized the need for compromise and the consequences of remaining inflexible.

Eventually, Galant realized that there would be no compromise reached. Turning to Netanyahu, he acknowledged the situation and accepted the majority’s position, even though he believed it was not the right course of action.

In addition to the discussions surrounding the contentious law, public interest regarding the prime minister’s health was also a topic of discussion. Prime Minister Netanyahu, who had recently undergone a pacemaker implantation, revealed details about his medical condition during conversations with Galant. He mentioned a blood test that has the potential to diagnose problems with electrical conduction in the heart. Galant expressed willingness to undergo the test, appreciating Netanyahu’s timely information.

Netanyahu further shared his experience of the critical moments before being rushed to the hospital for the second time. His update on social media indicated the seriousness of his condition and the need for immediate medical attention.

With the dramatic vote impending, the political landscape remains tense as the fate of the controversial law hangs in the balance.

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