Last minute of the elections, live | Feijóo makes his complete electoral list public: former CS Marta Rivera de la Cruz will be number two for the PP in Madrid and Manuel Cobo will go as seven | Spain

by time news

2023-06-14 15:09:46

What has happened in the last hours

39 days before the general elections on July 23, this is the highlight of the day at 12:00 this Wednesday:

Díaz is committed to raising taxes on large companies and making the tribute to great fortunes permanent. The Minister of Labor and Social Economy and candidate for the presidency of the Government of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, has advanced today, during her speech on the 45th anniversary of the newspaper Five days, the great tax lines that his formation will defend before the general elections of 23-J. Specifically, he has announced an in-depth reform of the Corporate Tax, “so that large companies contribute more and small companies much less.” But, in addition, he has defended “a serene debate” to make the tax on large fortunes permanent, designed as a temporary tribute by the current Government.

Feijóo defends the pact with the extreme right: “In the Valencian Community, Vox has been decisive and many people have voted for it.” The joint government pact of PP and Vox in the Valencian Community has the blessing of the popular leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. The president of the conservatives has defended today the agreement that both parties announced on Tuesday with the argument that the extreme right has had popular support in the elections of May 28 and that, without the abstention of the PSOE, the alternative was to go again to elections. “In the Valencian Community, Vox has been decisive and many people have voted for it,” argued Feijóo, who maintains that it was to put the ultras in the Government or repeat the elections in that community, despite the fact that the pact has been closed a lot before exhausting the terms for a scenario of electoral repetition.

Yolanda Díaz chooses Carlos Martín, from CC OO, as an economic benchmark for Sumar and number six on the list for Madrid. Yolanda Díaz has chosen Carlos Martín Urriza, director of the economic cabinet of the CC OO Trade Union Confederation, to be the “economic reference” for Sumar in the Congress of Deputies for the next legislature. The second vice president of the Government will take Martín number six on the list for Madrid, the third place assigned to Sumar —behind Díaz herself and until yesterday the Spanish ambassador to the United Nations, Agustín Santos Maraver—, after the tough negotiations of the last two weeks.

Former Ciudadanos Marta Rivera de la Cruz will be the number two of the PP in Madrid. The writer Marta Rivera de la Cruz will be number two on the list of the PP to the Congress of Deputies for Madrid, behind the popular leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. She is a writer and acting advisor of Culture of the Community of Madrid with Isabel Díaz Ayuso, she was a member of Ciudadanos.

The PP leaves Vox out of the Murcia Assembly Table and the extreme right threatens elections. The PP of Murcia has complied with what it had been proclaiming since it won the regional elections on May 28: that it will not cede spaces to Vox and that it will govern only with its deputies, 21 of the 45 that make up the Regional Assembly, to two of the majority absolute. This Wednesday the Chamber has been constituted and the popular ones have kept their presidency, which will be held by Visitación Martínez, in addition to the first vice-presidency and secretary, for Miguel Ángel Miralles and María del Carmen Ruiz Jódar, respectively. Socialists Alfonso Martínez Baños and Virginia Lopo occupy the second vice-presidency and secretary, respectively. A distribution without surprises and according to the numbers established by the regulation. “We did not expect what happened, we are perplexed,” said Antelo, who has threatened to repeat the elections, after the constitution of the Chamber.

Manuel Baltar resigns to continue as president of the Diputación de Ourense. The provincial president of the Popular Party of Ourense, Manuel Baltar, has announced that he will not run as a candidate to preside over the Provincial Council in the next term. He renounces the act as councilor of Esgos and will not be able to continue, consequently, as part of the provincial institution. This outing, which comes after he was chased at 215 kilometers per hour in an official car, will put an end to a political cycle in which the last name Baltar has been linked to the provincial institution, in the last 11 years at the hands of until now president, and for more than two previous decades with his father, José Luis Baltar Pumar, in possession of the provincial baton of command.

The socialist Inés Rey will repeat as mayor of A Coruña with a minority government after reaching an agreement with the BNG. The socialist Inés Rey will repeat as mayor of A Coruña after the agreement reached this Wednesday between the PSdeG and the BNG for the investiture that will take place on Saturday with the constitution of the new local corporations. It will be a minority government, and not a bipartite one, after the Socialists achieved 11 councilors in the municipal elections, compared to nine in the previous term. The PP, which claimed to lead the local government as the most voted list, obtained 12 and the BNG, four.

The PP reaches a preliminary agreement with Vox to govern Burgos. The Popular Party and Vox have reached a preliminary agreement for the investiture of Cristina Ayala (PP) as mayor of Burgos and to form a government coalition in the City Council, as confirmed this Wednesday by the candidate of the formation of Santiago Abascal, Fernando Martínez- Actors.

Ferran Bel, spokesman for the PDeCAT in Congress, will not appear at the general elections on 23-J. Ferran Bel, until now spokesman for the PDeCAT in Congress, a party that has four seats and that has supported most of the laws, reforms and initiatives of the coalition government for almost the entire 14th legislature as a safe ally, ratified this morning that he will not stand in the general elections on 23-J and that he is withdrawing from institutional politics to resume personal projects.

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