“Laterale Film Festival”, all set for the VIII edition of the event dedicated to auteur cinema

by time news

Ready to cross the finish line of his 8th edition, Laterale Film Festival confirms itself as one of the most interesting events in the Italian festival scene and beyond. A cultural event, promoted by theLateral Cultural Associationwhich has rewritten the history of Calabrian cinema and which every year offers the public the opportunity to discover a lively and courageous audiovisual production, often overlooked.

Scheduled for the days August 29, 30 and 31 in the spaces of the Cinema San Nicola Of Cosenza, the festival passionately continues its activity of distributing author short films. Three days dedicated to screenings, meetings and in-depth analysis, during which the dynamics of the market and competition leave room for sincere discussion and sharing of ideas.

“Because there’s no point, really, in you keeping your eyes wide open” It is the slogan, inspired by a text by Edward Sanguinetiwhich identifies the 2024 edition: an invitation to half-close your eyelids to imagine new possibilities, new configurations of the world. An exhortation to search for the images that are hidden on the other side of your eyes.

There are 19 works which make up the Lateral Selection 2024, 19 original views from Austria, Brazil, Canada, Korea, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, United States. The program is enriched by short films Trailer of the film that will never exist: “Phony Wars” Of Jean-Luc Godard (presented at the 2023 Cannes Film Festival), This is how a child becomes a poet Of Celine Sciamma, The Tomb of Kafka Of Jean-Claude Rousseau e Shrine Of Robert Todd.

The organizers of the event carry out their task in the belief that artistic cinema is still capable of developing sensitivity and critical thinking. The forms of experimentation are the lifeblood of the contemporary creative landscape and Cinema must be the invention of a new language, not just the repetition of old patterns. Lateral films are an expression of a human process, not conditioned by industrial production, and actively stimulate viewers by involving them in an authentic way.

The experience of enjoyment will not be limited to viewing the selected works: before and after the screenings, the public will have the opportunity to enjoy the exhibition entitled “In Absentia”. This specifically includes the display of a series of textual fragments created by the Nucleo Kubla Kahna collective of writers from Cosenza active since 2013. The texts evoke filmic visions that never existed and describe in various ways moments of cinema only imagined: an unprecedented attempt to explore the invisible, in perfect harmony with the suggestions that animate the eighth edition of the festival.

Furthermore, August 30th and 31st from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm the first edition of will be held BLATERALE – to think beyonda new project curated by the festival team. During the event, editors and critics from magazines Memento Cinema e The Dark Mirror will analyze the films of the Lateral Selection 2024 and will discuss crucial issues regarding the management of festivals and the role of critics in an ever-changing scenario. The meetings will take place at the collective’s headquarters Nucleo Kubla KhanThis initiative is supported by the Swiss foundation Cosmos Culture, official partner of Lateral 2024.

The festival is therefore an unmissable opportunity for anyone who wishes to question the nature and profound meaning of the seventh art.

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