Latest Updates on IDF Attacks in Southern Lebanon and Gaza Strip

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10:03 – The IDF attacked two terrorist squads in southern Lebanon

An Air Force combat helicopter attacked a terrorist cell in the Marvin area of ​​southern Lebanon last night. At the same time, special forces and artillery forces of the IDF fired at an anti-tank squad in the Yaron area.

09:48 – IDF fighters continue to thwart terrorism and eliminate terrorists throughout the Strip: special documentation of the destruction of rocket launchers ready for launch; reports: a bus was attacked in Deir al-Balach.

Fighters of the 646th Brigade Combat Team located and destroyed two rocket launcher complexes ready for launch in a neighborhood in the Al Mu’arka neighborhood in the center of the Strip. Additional fighters from the brigade located and destroyed dozens of launchers for launch in the immediate time frame. In special documentation of their destruction published by the IDF spokesman, it can be seen that some of the launchers were loaded and ready for use.

IDF soldiers operating in Khan Yunis identified terrorists who approached the forces – and they were eliminated by firing tanks. At the same time, the paratroopers identified terrorists shooting from a building and fleeing, the forces directed an Air Force aircraft which attacked the terrorists. One of the terrorists was eliminated and a second terrorist fled to the building added. The smuggler was under surveillance by the force and a short time later another aircraft was directed to attack the terrorist and he was eliminated. In the activity of the fighters of the 55th Brigade Combat Team in a terrorist’s house, instruction booklets of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, sniper firing positions aimed at our forces and other technological means were found Not far from there, soldiers of the Givat patrol identified masked terrorists, fired tank fire at them and the terrorists were eliminated.

According to the Shahab news agency, which is controlled by Hamas, a bus in Deir al-Balah caught fire after being attacked from the air by IDF forces. As of now, there is no confirmation from IDF officials about the incident.

09:15 – The IDF confirms: a reservist was moderately injured in the attack in Adora, his family was informed

The IDF officially announced that a reserve soldier was the one who was moderately injured in yesterday’s attack in Adora. The same soldier is the one who jumped the fence following the warning, and called the other forces after he was wounded by the terrorists’ shots. The reserve forces who were called in killed the three terrorists.

“This is a significant attack that was prevented thanks to the connection between the intelligence of the Spatial Defense Battalion’s patrol and the civil security elements who were alerted to the incident, and the reserve fighters who strove to make contact and eliminated them after many forces were jumped,” said this morning the commander of the Yehuda Brigade, Lt. Col. Yishai Rosiliou. “In the last period, we trained the forces and systems a lot for this moment and at the moment of truth the terrorists met a powerful, complete and sharp end and so will be done to anyone who wants to harm us.” To the full article

09:15 – The IDF confirms: a reservist was moderately injured in the attack in Adora, his family was informed

The IDF officially announced that a reserve soldier was the one who was moderately injured in yesterday’s attack in Adora. The same soldier is the one who jumped the fence following the warning, and called the other forces after he was wounded by the terrorists’ shots. The reserve forces who were called in killed the three terrorists.

“This is a significant attack that was prevented thanks to the connection between the intelligence of the Spatial Defense Battalion’s patrol and the civil security elements who were alerted to the incident, and the reserve fighters who strove to make contact and eliminated them after many forces were jumped,” said this morning the commander of the Yehuda Brigade, Lt. Col. Yishai Rosiliou. “In the last period, we trained the forces and systems a lot for this moment and at the moment of truth the terrorists met a powerful, complete and sharp end and so will be done to anyone who wants to harm us.”

08:24 – The incident of terrorist infiltration in Adora settlement has ended. You can leave the houses and move around the area without restriction.

Last night, three terrorists crossed the fence of the settlement in the south of Mount Hebron, while armed with many weapons. The three shot at a 34-year-old man in the industrial area near Adora, injuring him slightly to moderately. The wounded man, who recognized the cut in the fence, remained conscious. The many forces that were called to the scene – the emergency squad, soldiers and MGB fighters – met the wounded man and continued with the searches. Light bombs were fired into the sky of Adora, and the residents were ordered to lock their doors for fear that the infiltration was carried out into the settlement. Shots were heard in the area. According to the signs on the ground, the squad was planning a major attack.

05:52 – The US attacked a Houthi radar facility in Yemen as a response to the Houthi attacks yesterday

A source in the US military said that the US forces attacked a radar installation in Yemen that was used by the Houthis, using an American warship, and that the attack was a specific retaliatory action following the attacks carried out by the Houthis yesterday. The source also said that, similar to the previous attack last night , the latter was carried out using Tomahawk missiles. He added, “The US attack was designed to damage the Houthis’ ability to attack ships at sea, including commercial ships.”

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03:19 – The US military is carrying out another attack on Houthi targets in Yemen

A day after launching a wave of attacks on Houthi targets in several central cities in Yemen, the US military is again attacking additional Houthi targets in the capital Sana’a. Residents reported loud explosions being heard in the capital.

02:50 – The US ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, defended the decision of the UK and the US to launch attacks against Houthi targets in Yemen

The attacks launched during the night were intended to “disrupt and damage the ability of the Houthis to continue their reckless attacks against vessels and commercial shipping,” Thomas-Greenfield told the UN Security Council in New York today. According to her, the attacks are necessary and appropriate, noting that “they are consistent with international law and in exercising the US’s inherent right to self-defense, as reflected in Article 51 of the UN Charter.” Thomas-Greenfield emphasized that the US does not want a conflict in the region, and that the goal was to “reduce tensions and restore stability in the Red Sea , while maintaining the basic principles of freedom of navigation”.

01:05 – Biden warns the Houthis against future attacks

Biden spoke yesterday afternoon (Friday) with reporters in Emmaus, Pennsylvania, and was asked if the US would continue attacks against the Houthis. The president replied: “We will make sure we respond to the Houthis if they continue this outrageous behavior.”

23:43 – raids in the north of the Gaza Strip, fighting in the central camps – the situation in the battles

The IDF controls about 60% of the territory of the Gaza Strip, with the fighting in the north of the Strip moving to the second phase. The IDF has thinned out the forces in the area and is moving to carry out spot raids. There is a certain delay in moving to the next stage in the center camps, due to the discovery of Hamas compounds that must be destroyed. In addition, the IDF is focusing on increasing military pressure on Khan Yunis, assuming that the loss of control of Hamas will promote negotiations for the release of hostages.

Security officials believe that the return of Gaza residents to the northern Gaza Strip can be used as a bargaining chip in negotiations for the release of hostages. In addition, according to the sources, it is necessary to create a governmental alternative to Hamas, but the cabinet is not decisive on the issue.

23:30 – They got stuck between fences and were neutralized: this is how the terrorists were eliminated in Adora

The three terrorists who tried to penetrate the settlement in the south of Mount Hebron succeeded in penetrating one of the fences and reached the industrial area, but they were unable to pass the rest of the civil security elements of the settlement. The terrorists got stuck between the perimeter fence of the industrial area and the fence in Tallit, where they encountered the IDF force in reserve and after an exchange of fire, they were eliminated.

A man in his 30s was slightly-moderately injured in the attack. M16 weapons, an axe, knives and Molotov cocktails were found on the terrorists.

23:09 – Report: The CIA is collecting information on the location of abductees in Gaza

The intelligence organization collects information on senior Hamas officials and the location of hostages in Gaza, and provides this intelligence to Israel, according to a report in the New York Times. American officials told the newspaper that a new task force established in the days after the October Seventh also managed to obtain information on senior Hamas officials.

22:01 – The Americans estimate: the Houthis will respond to the attack against them

The US believes that the Houthis will respond to the joint attack by the Americans and the British on targets in Yemen. The White House made it clear: the US is not interested in a conflict with Yemen, but will not hesitate to take additional measures in response to the Houthi attacks in the Red Sea.

“We are not interested in conflict of any kind in the region,” White House spokesman John Kirby said. “All the president is doing is trying to prevent any escalation.”

21:00 – For the first time in three weeks: alarms in Ashdod; Launches also to the west of Lakish and the Gaza Strip

At least three rockets were successfully intercepted, no damage or casualties are known.

The article was first published in N12

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