Laurent Baffie, Jean-Marie Bigard, Chantal Goya… they demand “a State Secretariat for Animal Condition”

by time news

They love beasts, want us to defend them even more and are waiting for a real turn. In an open letter addressed to the Prime Minister and which we reveal, eighteen personalities; of which a majority of artists urge Élisabeth Borne to put in place an “effective and modern animal policy” by creating a State Secretariat dedicated to the animal condition. Among the signatories: the singer Chantal Goya, the comedians Jean-Marie Bigard and Vincent Lagaf or the Miss France 2012 Delphine Wespiser. These personalities see in the formation of the new government an “opportunity” to “reconcile with the animal world”.

“This Secretary of State would be a strong message at the political level, even if it will not change things with a wave of a magic wand”, advances Me Emmanuel Ludot, at the origin of this approach. A call born from the observation that despite the “moralization” of the treatment of animals in France, actions in favor of their well-being lack “cohesion” on a national scale. In question, according to the lawyer of the Reims bar, the weight of lobbies and a lack of political will. He believes that the law of November 2021 – aimed at combating animal abuse and strengthening the link between animals and humans – is “insufficient”.

“Integrate, in each bill, a political reflection on the impact that this could have on the animal world”

The signatories want animal protection to become a political subject “in its own right”: “It would be proof of a great step forward, for France, a country of human rights, to also become a country of human rights. animal,” they write. “It is necessary to integrate, in each bill, a political reflection on the impact that this could have on the animal world”, explains Emmanuel Ludot. The latter assumes his desire to “create controversy” to “push the government to position itself”. Even if it means calling on committed and politicized “people”. Among them, we find Francis Lalanne, head of a Yellow Vests list in the European elections and who is running for the legislative elections in Charente, and Laurent Baffie, candidate for the June elections for the animalist party in Paris.

However, this call is intended to be “measured”, so as not to offend the actors of livestock farming and rally the greatest number. Emmanuel Ludot highlights his desire to find a “balance”: “We need slaughterhouses because people still eat meat, but the end of the animals must be dignified”. An observation shared by the flagship singer of “Starmania”, Fabienne Thibeault. Signatory of the letter, she is also part of the Order of Agricultural Merit, an honorary title awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture: “I have seen in the majority of cases conscious breeders, who loved their animals and who wanted their well-being”. According to the singer, a State Secretariat would better “accompany and equip good practices”.

“We must remain reasonable and offer doable things,” adds former television presenter Sophie Darel. The one who says she “loves animals” has herself adopted three abandoned dogs and two cats. “We have made a little progress since the law which establishes that animals are no longer furniture, notes Sophie Darel, but this progress remains slow and painful”. For his part, comedian and actor Raphaël Mezrahi, particularly committed to the animal cause, hopes that this mobilization will find a favorable echo: “without a secretary of state dedicated to the animal condition, it’s as if a cog was missing “. And to conclude: “Respecting animals is also respecting nature and life”.

Open letter to Madame Élisabeth Borne, Prime Minister of the Republic

“Madam Prime Minister,

We have the honor to intervene with you, convinced that you have an extraordinary opportunity for the next five years to reconcile us with the animal world.

It seems necessary to set up an effective and modern animal policy.

This is why the signatories listed at the bottom of this letter urge you to think about the creation of a State Secretariat for Animal Condition.

This would be proof of a great step forward, for France, country of human rights, to also become the country of animal rights.

Indeed, any reform, bill, in any field whatsoever, must ensure that in all their aspects, the principles set out above are fully respected.

It is therefore a political reflection in the noble sense of the term that is urgently needed, and we appeal to you in this regard.

The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way animals are treated. Mohandas K. Gandhi.

Please accept, Madam Prime Minister, the expression of our deepest consideration.”

The petitioners

Raphael Mezrahicomedian and actor; Jean-Jacques Standingcomposer-singer; Chantal Goyasinger ; Jean Marie Bigardcomedian; Laurent Baffiecomedian; Vincent Lagaf’comedian; Mikelangelo Locontesinger ; Francis Lalannepoet author – composer – performer; René Manzorscreenwriter and author; Emmanuel Laureaueditor; Fabienne Thibeaultsinger – Commander of Agricultural Merit, Ambassador of Threatened Agricultural Breeds and Good Breeding Practices; Sophie Darelperforming artist – TV presenter; Marc Leadingjournalist – writer; Gavrochesinger ; Delphine WespiserMiss France 2012 and TV columnist, Stoneartiste ; Mario d’Albaartiste ; Emmanuel Ludot – lawyer at the Reims Court of Appeal.

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