Laurent Berger, the man who did not want the Elysée

by time news

2023-04-19 19:41:52

What the day after the battle looks like ? Going down to do the shopping – there is no more coffee at home –, go to the greengrocer, the butcher… A walk as useful as it is pleasant, but which has become difficult since Laurent Berger, 54, became a sort of Lula from eastern Paris, where he lives – for three months and the start of the protest against the pension reform, he has been slowed down by passers-by who grind his shoulder. But, on this morning of Saturday April 15, the analysis of the destiny of the ex-trade unionist who became President of Brazil will wait, because you have to buy enough to cook a mango chicken stir-fry for a family meal. Laurent Berger loves cutting vegetables to music, it relaxes him.

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On the night of Friday to Saturday, Emmanuel Macron promulgated the law on retirement at 64, just validated by the Constitutional Council. Laurent Berger digests the news by swallowing his breakfast, which is not convenient. Final gong on a final presidential uppercut. But no blues. He finds the promulgation “swollen”, because fast, but he is not surprised. He is also thinking of something else: the CFDT has registered 30,000 new members since January.

He calls his number two, Marylise Léon, he found a topical metaphor to his liking: “The match is taking place, there is a fact of the game, 49.3, and the result is being played on green carpet, at the Constitutional Council. It’s not illegal, but it doesn’t respect the spirit of the game. Even if it’s not a game.” He needs to warm up because, at 9.30 a.m., he has an appointment in a brasserie very close to his home with two journalists from the Parisian. The leader of the CFDT defies, once again, the President of the Republic, in an interview published the next day on the daily front page. He plants his banderillas with this soft and temperate tone that has been driving the executive crazy since January: “It’s psychoanalytical, after a while, the relationship that Emmanuel Macron has with me. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: remote arms pass between Emmanuel Macron and Laurent Berger

Returned to the house, once checked that the purchases are well arranged in the kitchen – because Laurent Berger is someone rather maniacal -, he takes care of his young son. The sharing of parental and household tasks is even less negotiable than a reform project. This allows Mireille Le Corre, secretary general of the Defender of Rights, to join us in a brasserie to measure the state of functioning of her husband after three months in the washing machine: “A crazy rhythm… With moments of fatigue, but he also has an ease to cut, to sleep well. I felt him combative through and through, imbued with the constant idea that he was fighting a fair fight. He remains true to himself, he is not flattered by what is happening around him. » Despite a record media presence time? “I can assure you that he is not looking for the light. And he wants to preserve the private sphere… ”

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