Laurent Wauquiez accused of threatening “300 jobs” by cutting funding for France Rénov

by time news

2023-09-05 16:13:22

” Your decision […] threatens the jobs of the more than 300 people who support this public renovation service”. In a letter dated September 4, Ministers Christophe Béchu (Ecological Transition), Agnès Pannier-Runacher (Energy Transition) and Patrice Vergriete (Housing) criticize the decision of the LR president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Laurent Wauquiez, to withdraw from 2024 the regional funding of the France Rénov service, which advises the French in their energy renovation initiatives.

This decision to “withdraw the Regional Council of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes from financing and running the system, […] will have the effect of depriving the inhabitants of the region of an essential public service for their renovation projects and weakens a major policy to fight against energy poverty such as climate change,” they add.

Funding of 3 million euros

The France Rénov spaces, created in early 2022, aim to advise and guide individuals in the energy renovation of their homes, a crucial project to reduce energy consumption and achieve France’s climate objectives. They are co-financed by the State, public agencies (Anah, Ademe) and local authorities, including the regions.

“We kindly ask you to consider […] all possible leeway allowing you to secure the 3 million euros that the Regional Council had undertaken to provide in 2024”, write the ministers.

#Laurent #Wauquiez #accused #threatening #jobs #cutting #funding #France #Rénov

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