- Laurent Wauquiez (prudent) and very expensive meals exposed and highlighted in Le Journal du Pays Yonais
- Exclusive. Laurent Wauquiez’s (very) expensive Parisian lunch… Le Dauphine Libre
- Morning. The beloved dinner of Wauquiez; Riner, Marchand, Manaudou, BMX, the French shine at the Olympics; a seventy-year-old missing in Rhône; a child who fell from the first floor in Beaujolais; the main news for this Saturday 3 August Le Progrès
- Laurent Wauquiez, who spent thousands of euros on the lunch, says he is willing to reimburse Liberation.
- Laurent Wauquiez says he is ready to reimburse the “exorbitant sums” spent on expensive dinners at the expense of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region.