Laurent Wauquiez: The High Cost of Prudent Dining Revealed – Le Journal du Pays Yonais

by time news
  1. Laurent Wauquiez (prudent) and very expensive meals exposed and highlighted in Le Journal du Pays Yonais
  2. Exclusive. Laurent Wauquiez’s (very) expensive Parisian lunch… Le Dauphine Libre
  3. Morning. The beloved dinner of Wauquiez; Riner, Marchand, Manaudou, BMX, the French shine at the Olympics; a seventy-year-old missing in Rhône; a child who fell from the first floor in Beaujolais; the main news for this Saturday 3 August Le Progrès
  4. Laurent Wauquiez, who spent thousands of euros on the lunch, says he is willing to reimburse Liberation.
  5. Laurent Wauquiez says he is ready to reimburse the “exorbitant sums” spent on expensive dinners at the expense of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region.

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