Lauterbach starts with the Corona General: Now comes the IMPF INVENTORY – domestic policy

by time news

How much is there left? What will be delivered soon? And where can you still reorder?

The new Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (58, SPD) wants to start his term of office with a vaccine inventory!

“We have the basis for 30 million vaccinations by the end of the year,” he told the “Spiegel”. “On Friday we will first do an in-house inventory with all the specialist departments to see how many of these 30 million can really be inoculated.”

The head of the Corona crisis team, Bundeswehr General Carsten Breuer, will accompany him during the inventory in the Ministry of Health.

30 million vaccinations: That is the target that Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (63, SPD) had set by the end of the year.

According to official information, 57.6 million people in Germany – that is 69.3 percent of the total population – are fully vaccinated. 16.6 million people (20 percent) also received a booster vaccination. 23.0 million people (27.7 percent of the population) are currently not vaccinated.

Lauterbach said that it was being checked which vaccination doses are stored where, which contracts for the purchase of further cans had already been concluded, what would be the case with deliveries for January and which bilateral contracts were still possible.

The traffic light coalition wants to massively boost the vaccination campaign in the next few weeks. The Infection Protection Act, which is currently being discussed in the Bundestag, provides for a compulsory vaccination for certain facilities such as old people’s homes and hospitals. In the future, in addition to doctors, pharmacists, dentists and veterinarians will also be allowed to vaccinate.

On Wednesday it became known: The federal government is getting three million cans of Biontech that other EU countries do not currently need. They are to be made available to the federal states for the vaccination centers this week and at the beginning of the coming week.

Dramatic Drosten appeal

In Germany, 15.6 million booster vaccinations were administered up to December 8, according to the vaccination rate monitoring of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) – this corresponds to 18.7 percent of the population.

According to the RKI, around 12 million of these booster vaccinations were carried out with Biontech, around three million with Moderna, around 3000 with Johnson & Johnson.

The virologist Christian Drosten calls for quick booster vaccinations in view of the rapid spread of the Omikron variant.

“Anyone who can should now be boosted immediately”, he says on ARD. He points out that the immunity of the vaccinated with Omikron reacts much weaker than with other variants.


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