Law 104, goodbye to the sole contact person – Corriere TV

by time news

Revolution for law 104 and for leave for the assistance of family members with disabilities. In fact, the “single point of contact” disappears. This is what is provided for by Legislative Decree 105/2022, which came into force in mid-August and explained in detail by the INPS. In fact, Law 104 of 1992 on extraordinary leave is corrected. What changes? Given that the maximum three-day limit of leave for assistance to the disabled family member remains confirmed, that right can be recognized, upon request, to more than one person entitled to it, who can benefit from it alternatively. In practice, more than one entitled person can request authorization to use the permits alternately, for assistance to the same severely disabled person.

October 2, 2022 – Updated October 2, 2022, 10:11 am

© Time.News

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