Law against human trafficking

by time news

2023-05-16 12:18:02

AP Photo/Antonio Calanni
  • The 30 organizations that are part of the Spanish Network Against Trafficking in Persons (RECTP) urgently ask the Government to approve the Law against Human Trafficking in this legislature.
  • The draft bill must be approved at the next Council of Ministers and processed under an urgent procedure.

  • The comprehensive law against trafficking in human beings must address all forms of trafficking and types of exploitation from the perspective of human rights, childhood, disability, intersectionality and gender.

The RECTP considers that we are facing a historic opportunity to comprehensively guarantee the protection of victims of trafficking and exploitation of human beings in all its forms. According to 2022 data from the Intelligence Center against Terrorism and Organized Crime (CITCO) of the Ministry of the Interior, only 129 people were identified as victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, of the more than 6,600 people detected in a situation of risk for human trafficking and sexual exploitation. These data do not reflect the real dimension of this serious violation of human rights. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDOC), it is estimated that For every identified trafficking victim, there are 20 more unidentified.

From the different international mechanisms, in particular, the Council of Europe Group of Experts against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA), urges the Spanish authorities, in its 2018 evaluation report on Spain, to adopt a comprehensive plan that addresses all forms of trafficking, regardless of the purpose of exploitation pursued and not only trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, and to improve the procedures for identification and assistance to victims.

The 2023 Annual Regulatory Plan, the Operational Plan for the Protection of the human rights of women and girls victims of trafficking, sexual exploitation and women in prostitution contexts (Plan Camino, 2022-2026), the State Strategy against Sexist Violence ( 2022-2025), the Sustainable Development Strategy (2030) and the National Strategic Plan against Trafficking and Exploitation of Human Beings (PENTRA, 2021-2023) contemplate the will of the Government to implement a comprehensive organic law against trafficking and exploitation of human beings that addresses all forms of trafficking and that responds to the recommendations of international mechanisms. In the same way, the Strategy for the Eradication of violence against children and adolescents foresees the adoption of legislative reforms aligned with LO 8/2021 that guarantee a comprehensive approach to violence against children and adolescents, including trafficking in girls. , children and adolescents.

However, a few months before the legislature ends, it seems that there is an absolute lack of political will by the executive to comply with this commitment and with its international obligations. For this reason, we ask the Government to approve the draft law at the next Council of Ministers, to be held in May, so that it can begin its parliamentary process and protect the rights of all victims.

From the RECTP we have been insisting to the Spanish authorities on the need for the State to have a comprehensive law that addresses all forms of trafficking, types of exploitation and forms of slavery for more than ten years. In December, the RECTP made contributions to the bill in line with international standards during the hearing process and also addressed the competent Ministries to convey their concerns and recommendations. Since then, five months have passed and we are still waiting for its approval.

Civil society organizations ask the Government to urgently approve the bill at the next Council of Ministers. We are at a critical moment at a political level with regional and municipal elections very close and with Spain holding the Presidency of the EU as of July 1, 2023. The Government must not miss this opportunity so that the law can be processed in a urgent in Parliament and approved before the dissolution of the Cortes Generales in the last quarter of the year. If this is not done, unfortunately Spain will have breached its commitment to the victims of human trafficking and also its international obligations. It’s just about political will. What is the government waiting for to do so?

#Law #human #trafficking

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