Law Degree and “Accordion Barbie”

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

Danibel Bretón was inspired by her father and the typical music they listened to at home to make a path in this autochthonous rhythm, under the name of “La Barbie del Acordeón”. Since she was a child she began to take accordion classes. She apparently came from her veins because at that moment she felt that it was easy for her to learn to manipulate this instrument.

Decades later, he would combine that passion for music with a college career. Identified with truth and justice, surprising as she may seem, Accordion Barbie dressed up last year as Law degree from the Open University for Adults (UAPA), becoming among the first exponents of the genre with professional titles.

“My inspiration is my mother, she is professional and has always believed in education. This has benefited me on many occasions in my life and I feel that I exercise this career in music on a daily basis”, Bretón stated in statements to Listín Diario.

Just like any human being, he feels that he still has several goals and dreams to achieve, but that with the passage of time he knows that “he can achieve it.”

From Santiago Rodríguez to the world, at just 13 years old he took typical accordion lessons from his teacher Reyes Pilarte. Until then he decided to accompany him with his vocal and choreographic skills.

“Dancing, playing the accordion and singing at the same time is a matter of practice, what if it can complicate the matter are the high-heeled shoes, but it is manageable”, revealed the interpreter of “Los hombres de ahora”.

Fefita La Grande and El Prodigio “are those art figures that have always inspired me,” revealed the 25-year-old singer.

Happiness and infinite gratitude were the words with which the typical merenguera expressed the love she feels for her fans, who throughout her four years of professional musical career have supported and accepted her with great affection.

“I am very proud of each recognition that I have received, especially from the great public that believes in me. From here on comes a musical tour and other surprises, ”she assured.

Like almost everyone, Accordion Barbie has also experienced difficult moments in her career. However, she takes God as her refuge.

“I only fear God and nothing else. Sometimes it is a bit exhausting to keep up and put a lot of energy into my shows, but the love for my work does not allow me to give up, that will not happen now, ”she said firmly.

Despite the enormous development that he presents on stage, in his childhood and adolescence, Danibel was characterized by being a shy and applied girl in her studies.

“Off stage and cameras I am a young woman from home, who goes to the gym, cooks, listens to music, studies and rests”, confessed the multifaceted woman.

She stated that although sometimes she does not have the amount of time she would like, due to her work commitments, she tries to take advantage of her free time.

“Family is half of my life, they are very important and their support is always unconditional. I like to walk, be with them and go shopping, ”she highlighted.

Women are working “hard” in the growth of typical music and its international expansion. Barbie considers that, in her case, she has received significant support from her colleagues.

“I am open to all participation and collaboration with any of these female stars, I would love it,” she stressed.

His song “El consejo” with Fefita La Grande, released in February of last year, has more than 73,000 views on YouTube.

“Great, I had fun and learned a lot, she is an excellent person, God bless her”, Danibel expressed about “La Mayimba”.

Legacy. Some people have the purpose of leaving a mark on the world, in the case of this vocalist, she wants to be remembered as a hard-working, responsible, orderly, family-oriented and fighter woman.

He advises those who are passionate about typical music to believe in themselves, work with purpose, not get carried away by the things of the moment and think big; so that in this way, they can, like her, highlight the idiosyncrasies of Dominican culture in all possible foreign settings.

#Law #Degree #Accordion #Barbie

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