Lawyer captured in the emergency regime will remain in provisional detention

by time news

Lawyer Nubia Morales, captured under the emergency regime, will remain in provisional detention after a San Salvador judge did not accept her defense lawyer’s request to grant her substitute measures.

The Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) accuses Morales of illegal groups, but both her defense lawyer and her professional colleagues assure that this is false and that in reality they have captured her for participating as a defender in cases related to the emergency regime.

“The capture is due to the fact that she participated as a witness in a document that was made about a donation and apparently people who apparently have links to a gang participated in that fact, which are circumstances in which she has nothing to do. She does not “She acted as a notary, but as a knowledge witness, which the same instrument and the notary required. Therefore, she has no responsibility for that,” explained Carlos Avelar, her defense attorney.

At the hearing for the imposition of measures held yesterday, Morales was not in person, but followed the process from the place where she is detained. There are another 15 people in the same process and all of them were ordered the same measure of provisional detention while the investigation period lasts, which will be six months.

Avelar requested that Morales be granted different measures, but the judge in the case did not agree, so they will appeal the decision. “We appealed the arrest. We presented the arraigos and everyone was fine, but the judge considered that they did not apply because the place where she lives is not in her name, but in her mother’s name,” the defender said.

Representatives of the legal union describe the Morales case as an arbitrary detention and consider that it is an “intimidating measure” for defending those captured by the regime.

Deportation.  Walter returned to the country on September 30, 2022.

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