Lazio Region, the official WhatsApp channel is online – Tu News 24

by time news

The new WhatsApp channel allows real-time updates on a wide range of content, including information on regional services, calls for tenders, local initiatives and weather alerts from the Civil Protection Department.

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The Lazio Region announces the launch of its official channel WhatsAppcon the aim of strengthening communication with citizens, making access to information increasingly immediate.

Real-time updates with the new messaging system

The new WhatsApp channel in fact, it allows real time updates on a wide range of content, including information on regional servicesthe calls for tenders, the events, the initiatives in the territory, the new provisions of the Council, the weather warnings of the Civil Protection.

Il new social complete and enhance il network digital of the Lazio Regionalready present and active on the main channels:

  • Facebook (390mila follower).
  • Instagram (78mila follower).
  • X (57mila follower).
  • Telegram (31 thousand subscribers).
  • LinkedIn (29mila follower).

How to sign up

Subscribe to the WhatsApp channel from the Lazio Region It’s simple: just follow the link ( to stay up to date.

The words of the President of the Lazio Region, Francesco Rocca

“The Lazio Region could not do without its own WhatsApp channel: the most used messaging application by all of us in the family, at work, in relationships, lands on the smartphones of Lazio citizens to be promptly informed about the choices and decisions that we make every day. The Region also wants to be increasingly closer and friend with this tool. In the channel it will be possible to find information on the new services offered, calls for tenders, opportunities, communication campaigns and initiatives that animate our extraordinary territory. I invite all citizens to sign up to connect with their Region and be updated, step by step, on how we are changing the face of Lazio!”, declared the president of the Lazio Region, Francis Rock.

The President of the Lazio Region, Francis Rock

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