Le Figaro gives us reason on everything: Macron becomes “reassuring”

by time news

TRIBUNE — It’s a real thunderclap in the alarmist press. In an article published on July 8, Le Figaro takes up one by one all the subjects that FranceSoir has been covering since 2020. The article titled “ Resurgence of contaminations: should we still be afraid of the Covid? gives reason to scientists and the few independent press, which, for two years, have broken down the tragic errors committed in the name of a health policy against employment.

On second reading, the article, coming from a newspaper which asserted in a peremptory manner as unquestionable truth all the despotic measures taken in the name of an ascientific scientism, in total osmosis with the governmental discourse, would be to install an Emmanuel Macron” reassuring “. The author of ” we are at war “, no longer having a Parliament acting as a recording chamber, will now be ” the most effective reassurance ».

As of July 31, the end of the rule of law eclipse, health constraints should not return. The coercive measures taken during the previous mandate are however praised by the journalists of Le Figaro. The fraudulent alteration of epidemiological data deriving from its administrative engineering ».

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You never bathe twice in the same river. Le Figaro, like Heraclitus, echoes the difficulty of passing yesterday’s measures within the framework of the current parliamentary configuration. What does not change is that the speech reassuring is a political response to a situation that has always been political. The health crisis has never been anything other than populist opportunism surfing on the ancestral fear of deadly epidemics.

Fear is the only emotion that competes with love for the ability to generate neurosensory diffraction states and create mass phenomena. The Covid crisis will have been, from this point of view, this moment when politics will have touched the neurological mechanism of the species as closely as possible, without the intervention of a charismatic tyrant being necessary.

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The ” 400,000 dead whatever we do, within a few months by Macron, during his October 2020 speech to justify the health pass, did not materialize. This verbal terrorism has become politically counterproductive. Le Figaro analyzes it in these terms: Perhaps he is also more aware than his ministers of the need not to squander political credit already largely dented by the legislative elections. » The political animal, that of « the same time “, understands that he must line up on the side of” reassuring and even become its visible figure.

From there, anything goes. Even to subtitle, without quotation marks, without putting it in the mouths of these scientists who ” skid » : « Very low vaccine efficacy ». We are in the Figaro. Not in FranceSoir. It’s allowed. The imprimatur comes from above.

Le Figaro now seems to lament that there have not been more protests against the dystopian measures, when it has done everything to ridicule, ignore or minimize that of Florian Philippot every Saturday for more than a year, and other movements. “ The restrictions on freedoms have aroused far fewer protests here than among our European counterparts, with demonstrations that are certainly recurrent, but small in scale compared to the mobilizations in Berlin, Brussels or Copenhagen. »

Le « refractory Gauls “was not that much, at least until the vaccine pass, submitted to parliamentarians for adoption while” the data on the very low effectiveness of the vaccine against the transmission of the virus began to circulate “, indicate the authors. But is it not less true that the refractory Gauls was stricken with the stigma of the poor guy, a redneck ignorant and unscientific, mentally ill seeing conspiracies everywhere?

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It’s a U-turn, but a controlled turn all the same. Curve reading is certainly recognized as an error by Oliver Verra. But the fact remains that those who denounced all this policy based exclusively on models immediately disavowed in fact in 100% of cases, remain labeled conspirators. This concept of conspiracy must resist Macron’s new policy, because it will be used again on other files.

For example on the vaccination pass: according to Martin Blachier, “ Olivier Véran made a mistake in reading the curves by wanting to impose it ». « This is a serious fault that will leave traces for years. The vaccine pass has become the Godwin point of discussions about the virus. It fueled the conspiracy because it was worse than an obligation, a disguised obligation. “According to the messenger, we are” reassuring » or « plotter saying the same thing. It is not a question of substance, but of form, in the political instrumentalization of the message.

All the myths and fatal measures imposed by the covidian state of magical thought, such as the permanent use of masks, the confinement of the healthy, the dramatization of the disease, (“ tragic return to history ” having been used for Covid and Ukraine), the difference between dying from Covid or with Covid, all subjects considered heretical until 48 hours ago, are taken up one by one in the Figaro article. These are themes for which many authors or media have been delisted from various social media platforms.

The most tragic being the denial of care for the sick, having responded positive to the Covid test through the incredible ban on operating them. Which, for many of them, was a death sentence. That too would be over. Le Figaro quotes Michaël Peyromaure, head of the urology department in Cochin (Paris): this measure ” can cause serious complications for some patients who will have to wait for the expiry of the legal period of six weeks, […] whereas operating on a patient who has Covid does not pose a great risk of contagion. It’s like refusing to operate on a patient carrying the AIDS virus on the grounds that there is a risk of transmission. »

The vaccine for all is also dismantled. Quoting Dr. Alice Desbiolles, “ the altruistic vaccine didn’t help much. “ It is a strategy which was very expensive and which produced undesirable effects on certain subjects (1/1000), such as cardiovascular complications, menstrual and fertility disorders, asthma. It will have taken all this time to conclude that the right vaccination strategy is the targeted vaccination of populations at risk and of course of those who wish it, as we do for the flu. ».

But where Le Figaro lets go is when it states in full, and you have to reread it several times to understand that this newspaper is in the process of calling into question all the pseudo-scientific fraud in which it participated: “ The pandemic has made people forget the old rules in terms of virology, when a vaccine had to meet, before it was administered to the entire population, much more rigorous criteria. They had to be 100% effective against the disease and its transmission, and without any adverse effects. »

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The icing on the cake, Le Figaro does not hesitate to quote Didier Raoult, and not to ridicule him! ” Several epidemiologists point out that Didier Raoult was right to say that a vaccine which focuses on a single protein is doomed to lose its effectiveness, because the strains mutate. »
It’s not FranceSoir, it’s still Le Figaro, which suddenly asks questions and quotes epidemiologists warning about the risk of vaccination: ” Ils [les experts – ndlr] point to German and Danish studies on cohorts of vaccinated patients which found that multivaccines were more likely to catch Covid “. It is also for this reason that Alice Desbiolles insists on the importance of the patient’s consent to the remedy, one of the pillars of medicine: ” Limits to freedom of movement have had very negative effects on the well-being of French people, on the economy, on education, on the mental health of children: it would be wrong to make the same mistakes again ».

Conspiracy Watch “experts” must have a lot to do with Le Figaro today. Unless, being a Macronian pharmacy, they are already on the hunt for ” non-reassuring “. For these Zhanovs and other Torquemadas of the sanitary dictatorship, this is a minimal aggionamento. Keeping the same harassment algorithm, feeding it new keywords.

The fact remains that if for Martin Blachier, “ the toll of the pandemic in France is much heavier than in Sweden for many others, saying it is not enough. We should not conform to this political chameleonism, and draw a line as if nothing had happened. But to seek responsibility for each of the agents of this crime against human health, against the rights of childhood, against the prosperity of nations, against human rights committed in the name of this scientific falsification without common measure.

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