“Le Monde” devoted a special day to the place of seniors in our society before the presidential election

by time news

“Fragments of the countryside”. In September 2021, The world launched “Fragments of France”, an unprecedented portrait of the country through more than a hundred reports. One month before the presidential election, the editorial team is once again mobilizing with “Fragments de campagne”. Through a weekly live, reports and chats, we will address these topics that seem to us both essential but also ignored in political debates. Public services, environment, youth… Every week and until the first round, scheduled for April 10, Lemonde.fr will hold a special day. On the menu today: the place of seniors in our society.

Seniors in France, privileged or largely forgotten? From Covid-19 to the Ehpad scandal, passing through the abandonment of the great law promised on dependency, the last five years have been punctuated by events which have placed the situation of ” the elderly “from “elders”from « seniors ».

Often to find that the political responses to the challenge of the aging of the French population were insufficient. You are over 60, come and tell us how you live: how have you prepared or reorganized your life for retirement: do you participate in community life, looking after your grandchildren, or in other activities? ? How do you live off your retirement pension? While we are a few days away from the presidential election, and the vote of seniors is preponderant in each election, do you feel listened to by the candidates and political representatives?

In the program :

This morning. What role for seniors in our society and what has Covid-19 shown (and changed) on our vision of old age? Mélissa-Asli Petit, sociologist specializing in aging and author of the book Pensioners: this wealth for France, answers your questions from 10:30 a.m.

This afternoon. What public policies to adapt French society to the aging of the population? Ask your questions to our journalist Béatrice Jérôme who will answer them from 4 p.m.

For further :

In the North, “castle life” for eleven seniors

“I have no more visitors. It’s hard ! » : the elderly in precarious situations, other victims of the health crisis

Over the five years, the curse of the laws for old age

“Already, there was this terrible smell of piss, from the entrance” : excerpts from “Gravediggers”, a survey on the business of old age

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