Leading Sajith does not trust Ranil either!

by time news

The Tamil National People’s Front (TNPF) will never support bringing to power anyone who does not agree to address the political aspirations of the Tamil people, said K. Sukash, the party’s media spokesman.

The media spokesman responded as the two signatories did not open their mouths

This was mentioned in the media statement issued today.

Their statement further stated,

The signing of the no-confidence motion against Gotabhaya Rajapakse’s government does not mean that he has faith in Sajith, Ranil or Fonseka. It was signed because the genocidal Rajapaksas could not be allowed to continue in office.

For that, the TNA will never support bringing to power anyone who does not agree to address the political aspirations of the Tamil people. Tamil Nadu will not get anything by holding such a flag.

Their struggle is for poverty. Our struggle is for life. Their struggle will end if the prices of rice and pulses fall. Our struggle will continue until justice is done for the genocide. It is also mentioned that Tamil youth who want to fight join hands with the missing persons who have been fighting in the streets for more than 1500 days.

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