League downhill, Meloni one step away from the Democratic Party

by time news

Time.news – The Lega continues to decline, which is now below 22%, especially for the benefit of FdI which rises to 18.5% and undermines the second position of the Democratic Party by less than a point (which in any case remains above 19%) . These are the main results of the weekly supermedia Time.news / YouTrend.

The 5-star Movement slightly recovered to 16.9% (+0.2). Among the minor lists, Italia Viva still falls, which is subjected to the engagement of the Italian Left. Among the majority components, it is the “government center-right” to suffer the most, while the Giallorossi seems to be strengthening overall. Overall, compared to the policies of 2018, the whole center-right is down (-0.4%) but anchored at 48.3% with the center-left increasing to 26.1%.

Supermedia liste

League 21,7% (-0,6%)
Pd 19,2% (+0,3%)
FdI 18,5% (+0,8%)
M5s 16,9% (+0,2%)
Come on Italy 7,4% (-0,2%)
Action 3,1% (-0,1%)
Italian left 2,3% (=)
Italy Viva 2,3% (-0,2%)
Gave 1,7% (-0,1%)
Art.1-Mdp 1,5% (+0,1%)
+ Europe 1,4% (+0,1%)

Supermedia Parliament areas

Majority Dragons 74,3% (-0,6%)

of which:
– Giallorossi (Pd-M5s-Mdp) 37,6% (+0,7%)
– center-right (Lega-FI-Toti) 29,9% (-1,1%)
– liberal center 6,8% (-0,2%)

Right-wing opposition (FdI) 18,5% (+0,8%)
Left Opposition (SI) 2,3% (=)

Supermedia coalitions 2018

Center-right 48,3% (-0,4%)
Center left 26,1% (+0,2%)

M5s 16,9 % (+0,2%)

Leu 3,8%  (+0,1%)
Others 4,9%  (+0,2%)


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