leaps and bounds but still many questions left to be resolved – time.news

by time news
from Eugenio Zuccarelli*

The USA is one of the most avant-garde countries and gives a good indication of the potential but also of the difficulties of this new health “industry”

Telemedicine has made great strides in recent years, above all thanks to the great changes made by technology (broadband internet, videoconferencing, etc.) but even more thanks to the pandemicwhich acted as a catalyst. The telehealth industryvalued at over $23 billion in 2021, is in fact projected to be worth $83 billion by 2030, an annual growth rate of 17.35%.

Telehealth oltreoceano

The United States, in particular, are one of the most advanced countries in this area and give a good indication of the potential but also of the difficulties of this new industry. It in fact, it has proved to be an excellent tool for meeting the need for flexibility
(from smart working to quarantine) but also to reduce pressure on hospitals and therefore costs. In all of this, some interesting questions have also arisen which show that there is still some way to go. In fact, overseas each State is left to itself in terms of implementation of the rules. From California to New York, each state has different laws by which, often, doctors licensed in one state cannot operate in another (see the problem of abortion for example). This is accentuated with the vast number of people who are either “smart working” or simply decide to spend time elsewhere.

ethical issues

Other problems that have recently arisen are ethical. Telehealth is highly dependent on technology infrastructure. And this creates discrimination. People in rural areas they usually have less access to high-speed connections, partially isolating these groups from having the same possibilities as those living in a metropolis. In the end, the elderly peoplewho tend to be less familiar with technology, are also affected by this problem, thus being marginalized.

The future of telemedicine

Improve access to these technologies it is precisely one of the main points that are being adopted to move forward, especially in the USA. This is twofold, as it needs to be improved both on the patient side and on the hospital side. Improving access especially for patients who have been historically disadvantaged, but also making sure that hospitals are equipped to ensure a quality experience that is on par with an in-person visit.

Ensure privacy

Another important step for the future of telemedicine concerns privacy. Going through digital channels, being able to guarantee that the data and information transmitted during the visit are kept safe is imperative. Right now, it wouldn’t be too difficult for someone to log a telehealth visit without one of the two participants, especially the patient, knowing about it. Being able to ensure the use of platforms that protect patients’ rights and data is therefore key.

How to deal with Artificial Intelligence

Finally, one of the aspects that is expected to bring about the biggest changes concerns artificial intelligence. The AI ​​algorithms that analyze images are among the most advanced in the world and some are already capable of diagnosing diseases or even estimating a person’s emotion. Being able to use AI to provide additional diagnostic tools to doctors would allow for a reduction in appointment times, but also a different point of view for the doctor, with which to achieve a better result. What is certain is that telemedicine is here to stay and at the speed with which it is expanding, we can only guess that will soon become an integral part of our reality.

*Data scientist, New York

December 16, 2022 (change December 16, 2022 | 09:56)

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