learn about 5 benefits of adopting a system for the financial and legal management of your company

by time news

The financial and legal management of companies and offices can be considered a challenging task, especially when it comes to handling complex data and processes.

However, technology can be a powerful ally in making this task easier and more efficient: one of the main strategies, adopted by 84% of companies, according to FGV, is the adoption of an ERP (from English Enterprise Resource Planningor business management system).

This type of system is more comprehensive and manages the entire business, not just managing a few areas, such as legal litigation. Currently, some of these features also make use of artificial intelligence.

Therefore, it can be said that the increasingly common use of artificial intelligence contributes to several benefits within the corporate world and the organization and efficiency of area management.

“The phrase ‘time is money’ has never been truer. Today, due to advances in technology, we can increase our efficiency, quality and productivity in more strategic activities and delegate routine tasks to intelligence”, is what the CEO of TWT Info, Marco Flávio Neves.

To demonstrate the positive sides of obtaining an ERP that uses Artificial Intelligence to assist in the financial and legal management of a company, Marco Flávio lists five benefits that this system model has. Check it out below:

  • Improved customer service

With the ability to access and process financial and legal information in real time, an AI-powered ERP system can help significantly improve customer service. When accessing the resource, via online dashboard or system, they are able to provide quick and accurate answers to user questions.

“The system can be configured to provide automated updates on the status of your orders, processes, queries or financial transactions, reducing the need for human intervention and improving the overall efficiency of customer service,” reports Neves.

  • Remote access to applications

Accessible from anywhere, as long as there is an internet connection, the system can run on any device, such as notebooks, cell phones or tablets.

This can improve productivity and efficiency by allowing staff to work remotely when needed, and it also means staff and customers can access important information in real time, enabling faster, more informed decision-making.

  • Ease of updates

“O ERPwhen installed in the cloud, it can be easily upgraded without the need for hardware, physical facilities or disruption to business operations. Updates can be implemented quickly and efficiently via cloud storage, ensuring access to the latest technologies and features and improving overall business efficiency. This point ensures that the team always has access to the latest resources to carry out their daily tasks. Another benefit is that these updates can be implemented automatically, reducing the chances of human errors”, points out the CEO.

  • Organization in processes

The system can help manage financial transactions, generate reports and manage legal workflow. This can help the business operate more efficiently by ensuring that processes run transparently, consistently and effectively across the business, increasing process accuracy.

  • Reliable results and error prevention

Finally, one of the advantages of considering an ERP that makes use of AI lies in the fact that it offers reliable and accurate results. “This is possible because the system uses sophisticated algorithms that were designed to minimize errors and ensure data accuracy. In addition, it can be configured to provide automatic alerts in case of discrepancies or problems, which can help prevent errors before they become big problems”, concludes the executive.

Source: Air Agency

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