Learn about 8 plants that you can use as moth repellents – Step To Health

by time news

2023-10-20 18:00:26

If you want to scare away clothes and kitchen moths, discover how to use mint leaves, rosemary, lavender and other plants that can repel them.

Last update: October 20, 2023

Did you know that some plants can serve as moth repellents? During hot weather, These insects usually enter different spaces in the home, such as rooms, closets and cupboards. Its presence is not only annoying, but it can compromise the condition of food and clothing.

Fortunately, it is not necessary to use harsh chemicals to scare them away. Simply put some aromatic leaves of some plant species in a bag or install a pot in the affected areas to keep the moths away from the home. In the following space we share in detail the 8 most recommended.

8 plants that work as moth repellents

In hot seasons, it is common to find hidden moths when opening the doors of cupboards and closets. The big drawback is that these insects leave their larvae in the wood, so Almost any furniture can function as a shelter, especially under humidity and confinement.

Given the nuisance they pose, it is normal that you look for methods to scare them away. Luckily, there are several plants whose fragrances and oils help you with this task. The best? They fulfill an aesthetic function in the home and are safe for pets. Discover them!

1. Basil

Basil is not only an essential ingredient for salads and fillings. In addition to the wide culinary use of its leaves, the fragrance is also a natural repellent for moths, mosquitoes, and flies.

For it to work as such, It is advisable to place the pot on a counter near where the insects appeared.. Basil is a plant that does not tolerate cold well, so growing it indoors is suitable.

2. Thyme

Another specimen with a particular fragrance is thyme. It is recognized for its culinary, aromatic and even medicinal use, but it also works well as a repellent. As with basil, Just place the plant near the kitchen and common places for insects.

Regarding its care, it comes from a temperate Mediterranean climate, which gives it resistance to drought and little need for irrigation. However, it is important to give it a few hours of direct sun exposure.

3. Lavender

Lavender is a plant widely used to flavor hygiene products, due to its powerful and pleasant fragrance. There are two ways to apply its benefits as a repellent; on the one hand, placing the pot in specific places, as we already mentioned; for the other, wrapping some fresh flowers in small bags and hanging them in the closets. In this way, not only are the moths chased away from clothes, but their aroma is incorporated into the clothing.

4. Ask

Growing mint is very simple, both outdoors and indoors. This versatile plant requires some sun and frequent watering to proliferate its leaves with a strong characteristic smell.

For culinary, digestive and medicinal use, mint is also a moth repellent and works naturally in its pot. At the same time, You can place the leaves in cloth bags and take them to dressers, countertops and closetswhere these insects usually live.

5. Cedar

Cedar is a very tall tree that, of course, cannot be kept indoors. However, the presence of cedar wood inside the house is also a moth repellent. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase objects made from this material, such as hangers, tables and even the furniture itself.

6. Ajenjo

Another decorative, repellent and safe plant for pets is wormwood. To keep the moths away, It is advisable to place crushed leaves in bags and add apple cider vinegar. In this way, its fragrance is enhanced with repellent effects.

Grown outdoors, wormwood also works against ants, slugs, snails and animal fleas.


7. Romero

The rosemary plant is multifunctional within the home. Its small branches are very useful in gastronomy, while it is an ideal specimen from a decorative aspect. To scare away moths, just place the pot near cupboards or closets.

Alternatively, it is possible to repel mosquitoes by smoking its branches. Plus, it’s not only safe for pets; Anecdotal evidence shows that its crushed leaves function as a flea and tick repellent.

8. Calendula

Popular for its large flowers in shades of orange and yellow, calendula is also an effective plant against indoor and outdoor pests. For example, worms, slugs and snails. Place it near the kitchen for a natural solution against flies and moths.

Calendula is very easy to find in any nursery or specialized store, while, for its care, it requires at least six hours of sun a day. Added to this is a substrate rich in nutrients and a high irrigation frequency, although in small quantities.

Combine moth repellent plants

If you have more than one specimen of these plants in your home, it is possible to make combinations to enhance the repellent effect. For example, you can place mint leaves and some rosemary branches in a small hanging bag.

On the other hand, mixing lavender and mint flowers with cloves can improve results in the search for repelling moths.

Final Recommendations to Repel Moths

Beyond having plants at home that serve as repellents against moths, keep in mind that these insects easily filter through cracks and openings. Therefore, check your furniture, windows and walls, and try to seal any holes that could serve as an entrance.

Keep in mind that cleaning is essential to avoid this and other pests inside your home. So that, disinfect with appropriate products and vacuum. Once this is done, place the repellent plants in strategic locations.

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