Learn about the effectiveness of Lasik Surgery for astigmatism – Blog Saludalavista

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The lasik surgery It is the safest and most effective technique for cases of Astigmatism under 6 diopters. The intervention corrects the shape of the cornea on an outpatient basis and without complications.

who suffer from astigmatism they have trouble focusing on objects, both far and near. This situation is given by anomalies in the curvature of the cornea, anomalies that do not allow light to reach the eye in a normal way, producing unclear vision.

Patients suffering from this disease are usually good candidates for a eye surgery con Lasik. The surgery is ambulatory and painless, since topical anesthesia (drops in the eyes) is used. He ophthalmologist separates a thin layer of the cornea and then applies the laser to an inner layer. The healing is natural, it does not need sutures or stitches.

  • The technique is practically 100% safe.
  • Patients have high tolerance to the Lasik procedure.
  • The next day after the intervention, the patient will already have results.

What Happens After Lasik Surgery

When leaving surgery, the patient must rest for 2 hours. During this period, no drops should be applied, and in the event of any discomfort, wait for the proposed time to pass.

After two hours of rest, the patient should apply artificial tears every one hour (during the first week), if you have discomfort before the time, you can do it as many times as you want. Also during the first week antibiotic drops should be applied every 3 hours.

How are the drops applied?

Las eye drops they should be used directly on the tear duct without touching the eyelids with the hands.

During the first post-operative week, the patient does not have to rub his eyes or dive, he must also sleep with acrylic protectors. For those who have undergone Lasik surgery, and in general for the entire population, it is necessary to wear sunglasses to protect themselves from the UV rays.

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