Learn about the SEP regulations for school cooperatives

by times news cr

2024-08-06 20:24:42

In Mexico, school cooperatives seek to promote solidarity, cooperation and social responsibility among students. They also encourage participation in the social economy and integrate cooperative practices into the curriculum, giving students useful skills for their academic and civic development.

To ensure its fair and effective functioning, the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), promoted and regulated its operation through standards.

In it Chapter I of the School Cooperatives Regulations on the General dispositionit is stipulated that these are made up of teachers, students, and employees. The number of these depends on the number of shifts or schools within a campus, except in the cases provided for in article 16.

The SEP will organize, register, promote and supervise these cooperatives, designating administrative units for their technical and pedagogical supervision. The registered office of the cooperative will be that of the school where it is established.

In it Chapter II Over the Fines Of these, it is noted that the organizations have an eminently educational purpose. They seek to facilitate the theoretical and practical understanding of principles such as social coexistence and democracy, develop habits of cooperation and discipline, and coordinate with school plans and programs.

They promote self-learning and apply participatory teaching methods, while connecting students with their environment through productive activities. They also provide economic benefits for the school community by reducing prices, lowering production costs and improving facilities and teaching activities.

In it Chapter III It is noted that these are divided into two types:

•Consumption: acquisition and sale of teaching materials, school supplies, clothing and food for members.

•Production: manage assets and facilities to produce products or provide services to the school community, and may include a consumer section.

For your creation and registrationhe Chapter IV It states that the constitution of a school cooperative must be formalized by means of a document that includes the name of the cooperative, its type, school data, object and purpose, limited liability regime, admission and exclusion requirements, formation of share capital, distribution of profits, duration of the financial year, and the powers of the governing and control bodies, in addition to conditions for modifying the bases or dissolving the cooperative.

Meanwhile he Capítulo V Over the Governing and Control Bodies It states that cooperatives are governed by the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, the Cooperative Education Commission and other committees established by the Assembly.

To be a member of a school cooperative, the Chapter VI, From the Partners It indicates that one must be a student, teacher or employee of the school, and participation is voluntary, in addition to highlighting that all members have equal rights and obligations. Membership is lost by death, voluntary separation, exclusion, or by ceasing to be part of the school.

He Chapter VII on Capital, Contributions and Income It states that the share capital of school cooperatives is variable and is formed through contributions from partners, public funds, donations, investment returns and other approved resources.

The secretariat emphasizes that the contribution certificates have a fixed value, are indivisible and non-transferable, and their value does not exceed 50 pesos. The economic returns are divided into a social fund, which supports the needs of the school, the reserve fund covers losses and maintains activities, and the distributable fund is distributed among the members.

According to Chapter VIII for the Dissolution These same statistics show that organizations will disappear if the number of members is reduced to less than ten, if the school closes or merges, or if two-thirds of the members decide.

Finally, the Chapter X warns that the Sanctions Failure to comply with the regulations will be subject to a warning, temporary suspension, dismissal from office, or exclusion by the General Assembly.

2024-08-06 20:24:42

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