Learn how to prepare a smoothie with arugula, red berries and ginger – Step To Health

by time news

2023-11-07 17:00:33

Get extra fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with this “smoothie” of arugula, red fruits and ginger, which will serve to accompany your breakfast or snack.

Last update: November 7, 2023

He smoothie of arugula, red berries and ginger is an ideal drink to start your day with energy. With a combination of nutritious and low-calorie ingredients, You will be complementing your diet, while taking care of your body and your health. The best? It will only take you a few minutes to prepare.

Whether you want to eat it on an empty stomach, as part of breakfast or between meals, it is a good alternative to reach the daily recommendation for fruit and vegetable intake (five servings). In the process, you will be promoting your digestive health, better concentration and the proper functioning of your immune system.

Smoothie arugula, red berries and ginger: healthy and nutritious

There are several reasons to incorporate smoothies of fruits and vegetables in the regular diet. First of all, They are recipes that have a place in the context of any healthy eating plan.

They provide dietary fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals essential for good nutrition. And although they are not enough on their own to obtain the recommended daily requirements of these nutrients, they do contribute to achieving them. Today we propose one with arugula, red berries and ginger.

Why should you try this recipe? Without going overboard with calories, It is smoothie It will help you start the day with more energy. The red fruits will star in the flavor, with the spicy touch of ginger and arugula. Additionally, other ingredients, such as milk and yogurt, will give it a creamy touch.

Nutrients you get with this drink

Each of the ingredients used in this smoothie contains nutrients that help improve the quality of the diet. Let’s see in detail:

Arugula: According to information from the United States Department of Agriculture, arugula contains carbohydrates, protein and dietary fiber. Likewise, it makes light contributions of vitamins A, C and B; minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc; beta-carotenes and flavonoids.
Berries: They are abundant in anthocyanins, flavonoids, phenolic acids and a variety of other antioxidant compounds that are associated with disease prevention. They contain dietary fiber (soluble and insoluble); vitamins A, C, B, E and K; and minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium and copper.
Ginger: The main function of this ingredient in smoothie It will give flavor. Its contribution of antioxidants is light and does not contain significant amounts of vitamins, minerals or calories.
Milk or vegetable drink: As you might expect, the nutritional value varies depending on the ingredient of your choice. If you opt for cow’s milk, you will get proteins of high biological value, as well as calcium, vitamin D and saturated fats. Meanwhile, vegetable drinks provide a much lower contribution of calcium and vitamin D; They contain vitamin B and proteins of medium biological value. However, they do not contain lactose.
Greek yogurt: It is a significant source of protein and probiotics; In addition, it contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and low levels of sodium.


50 grams of arugula 120 grams of Greek yogurt (optional) 1 slice of fresh ginger (grated or powdered) 200 milliliters of milk or vegetable drink (coconut, almonds, rice, oats) 200 grams of frozen red fruits (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cherries)


First, wash the arugula well and reserve some red fruits to decorate the drink. Then, pour the rest of the fruit, the cleaned arugula and the milk of your choice into the blender glass. Next, process all the ingredients for a couple of minutes or until they are well integrated. Also, add fresh, grated or powdered ginger. After obtaining a homogeneous and creamy drink, serve it without straining and decorate.

Since the amount of nutrients obtained with this smoothie It is light, Its preparation is not recommended as a replacement for main meals. You can take it as an alternative to start the day – if, for example, you want to avoid coffee – or it can be a complement to your breakfast.

Yogurt, milk and vegetable drink are enough to make the taste of the smoothie more pleasant. Avoid adding sugars, sweeteners or any other sweeteners.

And smoothie light and delicious

The mixture of arugula, red fruits and a touch of ginger in a milk and yogurt base will give you the result and smoothie creamy packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Although you can prepare it to start your days with more energy, it is also a good option to calm hunger mid-morning or mid-afternoon and avoid other snacks with more calories. Do you dare to try it?

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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Arugula, R. (2018). United States Department of Agriculture; (USDA). https://fdc.nal.usda.govCosme, F., Pinto, T., Aires, A., Morais, MC, Bacelar, E., Anjos, R., Ferreira Cardoso, J., Oliveira, I., Vilela, A., & Gonçalves, B. (2022). Red Fruits Composition and Their Health Benefits-A Review. Foods (Basel, Switzerland)11(5), 644. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govGinger Root, R. (2018). United States Department of Agriculture; (USDA). https://fdc.nal.usda.govMc Cartney, D. M., Rattray, M., Desbrow, B., Khalesi, S., & Irwin, C. (2018). Smoothies: Exploring the attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of Consumers and non-Consumers. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science Journal, 6(2), 425–436. https://www.foodandnutritionjournal.orgStoker, D. Durward, C. (s/f). Smoothies—helpful or harmful? Utah State University. https://extension.usu.edu/Yogurt, Greek, plain, lowfat.  (2018). United States Department of Agriculture; (USDA).
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