Learn the 15 basics of your car to pass the roadworthiness test

by time news

When to play pass the ITV of our vehiclewe leave it in the hands of the specialized mechanics the center we have chosen. We move the steering wheel, turn on the turn signals, accelerate to calculate CO2 emissions … but do we know the key components of our car and we know what’s going on under the hood?

In addition to having on hand the documentation we need to bring to pass the ITV, it is worth knowing the technical vocabulary of the automotive sector. That’s why we reveal it to you 15 elements key of the’automotive slang.

Plus, this one abeced it will help you to understand possible breakdowns, to look at the mechanic of the taller and know the concepts of bills that we have to pay.


It refers to the anti-lock system of the wheels, that is, it is the system that takes control of the brakes when it detects that the tires can be blocked and skidded. In the event of sudden braking, the SAR acts and rapidly changes the braking force to help control the steering.


It is an automated vehicle speed regulation system that can identify the traffic that precedes it and, consequently, modify the speed of the vehicle. It can also be called “smart cruise control.”

AWD (o 4×4)

Four-wheel drive. It means that power is sent to all the wheels of the vehicle. Four-wheel drive vehicles can be permanent (power is always sent to all wheels) or switchable. The latter means that the power is directed mainly to two wheels, but can be directed to all four when a slip is detected. Some manufacturers also call it 4×4, or 4WD.

Diesel Particulate Filter (FAP)

A diesel particulate filter traps and stores the particles released by the diesel exhaust. The aim is to reduce emissions from this type of vehicle.

Motor with overhead camshaft (DOHC)

The overhead camshaft engine is a modern engine design with two camshafts instead of one. These are placed on top of the cylinders and ultimately make the vehicle more powerful and efficient than an engine with only one camshaft.

Fre clamps

The brake caliper is the part that tightens the disc when you step on the brake pedal, which slows down the rotation of the wheels.

Timing belt

The timing belt is a piece of rubber that controls the timing of certain elements of a vehicle’s engine. Manufacturers usually recommend changing the timing belt after a certain number of miles. This part can be very expensive to repair if it breaks.

Catalytic converter

Catalytic converters convert harmful gases (for example, carbon monoxide or nitrogen oxide) that give off exhaust gases to less harmful gases or water vapor.


It is the structural core or skeleton of a vehicle that consists of a housing that integrates and holds the body.

Cruise control

Also known as speed control, cruise control is a system that automatically controls the speed of a vehicle and is commonly used on highways. The driver can set the speed he wants (with a series of buttons often located on the steering wheel).

Fan strap

The fan belt uses the motor to drive items such as the alternator and water pumps. The fan strap tends to stretch and sometimes even fall off, so it may be necessary to adjust or replace it periodically.


It is a metal disk that provides inertia to the engine and transmission. Almost all motor vehicles have one.


An immobilizer is an electronic safety device that is connected to the vehicle’s engine and ignition system. When the immobilizer is active, the engine cannot be started, not even with the key.


A complicated spring system on each corner of the vehicle allows the wheels to move independently of the chassis and react to potholes and road irregularities.


The rubber drawings of the vehicle tires. When the tread wears out, the tires offer less grip. For this reason there is a legal obligation for the drawing to have a depth of at least 1.6 mm at 75% of the width of the vehicle’s tires.

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