Learn to spot your cognitive biases!

by time news

PSYCHOLOGY – To feel targeted, to prefer what we know, to agree with the majority… Our brain often plays tricks on us, for the worse… as well as for the better.

When two people laugh together in a bar, you feel like they are laughing at you; if your boss comes to the office looking bad, you think he’s mad at you. Maybe you are right… Or maybe you are the victim of a “cognitive bias”, this mental distortion in the processing of information that distorts your appreciation of yourself or of others, but also your understanding of the world around you. Can we (but also should we) fight against these biases?

“To date, 250 cognitive biases have been referenced and more will likely be discovered in the future,” assures the psychosociologist Gilles Azzopardi, who explores this subject in his latest book Behind the scenes of your brain (Eyrolles, 2022). “We have known since Freud that ‘the ego is not master in its own home’, but recent discoveries in neuroscience drive the point home: more than 99% of our cerebral activity is unconscious, happens ‘without the knowledge of our …

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