Leauge of Legends includes 5 problems that arise after RIOT brings the Lukrak game to open for play just 1 day.

by time news

Friday, January 6, 2023, 6:15:55 p.m. Indochina time

after way RIOT has come out to announce that the camp’s beloved child League of Legends back in their care after leaving Garena canTake care of the game itself for more than 12 years, although there are many problems But in the end, the game has returned to the bosom of RIOT Ready to open for play officially January 6, 2023 which comes with many problems and today 4gamers I would like to talk about various problems that occur in the game. League of Legends The details are as follows.

1. Massive Ping

One of the major problems after the game opened the server for only a few hours. In which players from Thai servers will encounter a problem that the game will have high ping. 120 As a result, pressing the command within the game is delayed to 0.1 seconds, and the immediate solution now is to connect VPN of Thailand to play League of Legends Thai surfing will cause that ping to decrease significantly.

** Recently, the game has fixed the issue of ping. 200 is completed And thanks to the information from the fan page. LoL Universe TH very much too **

“One of the monkeys who met Bing 118 from the first day”

2. Migration of IDs causing some problems

One of the big problems this time. This will happen to players who transfer their IDs. League of Legends come from Garena By that person’s ID will be thrown into various servers such as Japan, Brazil and many others, which currently does not have a solution. Therefore can only wait for the game to be fixed or will notify the team League of Legends before, for peace of mind.


” Playing Thai surfing suddenly turns into another surfer “

3. Rune page and various settings that need to be rearranged completely.

Another problem that may not be too much of a problem. For many people who have always played the League of Legends game, because the front part of this rune has to be adjusted all the time according to the game image. But for some groups of players who want to come back and relive the past And used to organize such runes, may have to sit and waste time studying Including various settings that may need to be adjusted entirely


“Everything I don’t know, stupid people”

4. The problem of the server that can’t create a Custom room if there are not 10 people.

Although it’s not a very big problem. But for anyone who wants to invite old friends to create a room to fight in small groups or test the abilities of various champions, this is currently not possible. because it is necessary to have all the players 10 People lose first, so they can press to start the game itself.


“People are not full, cars are not coming out”

5. How to solve the problem of unable to enter the game

The big problem that many people encounter It will come up after logging into the game. and waiting for the game to be installed But after reaching a certain point, there is a message that warns

” We were unable to install the necessary programs.

please try again Restart your computer or contact the support team.

And of course, even after restarting the computer The game is still unable to enter anyway. The way to fix this problem can be done by entering the game. League of Legends In the folder where the game is installed for example

E:Riot GamesLeague of Legends (Each person will install the game differently. So you’ll have to figure out which folder it’s in when you install it.)

After that, enter the game through LeagueClient directly, it will be able to enter the game as usual


” escape from Garena to come across the problem of RIOT continue “

is complete for the current problem of the game League of Legends Although the team is diligently accelerating this problem. But because the game is still very unstable Causing us to recommend that you may not be in a hurry to play the game. and wait to play seriously in January 12, 2023 instead, because it will be the start of a new season of the game Including various problems that should be solved. which will be true as predicted or not have to wait and follow each other

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