“Lebanon is a laboratory that helps us understand France”

by time news
The President of the Republic Michel Aoun, in office since 2016, ends his mandate this Sunday while Lebanon is still sinking into a deep economic and social crisis. DALATI AND NOHRA / AFP

MAINTENANCE – On the occasion of the end of President Aoun’s term of office, which could lead to a power vacuum, the geographer deciphers the structuring link between political power and communitarianism in Lebanon, and fears “enclave wars” in the future.

The deputies of the Lebanese Parliament failed for the fourth time on Monday October 24 to elect a new President of the Republic who would succeed Michel Aoun, whose mandate ends at the end of October. In a political arena undermined by differences between pro-Iranian Hezbollah and its opponents, consensus seems difficult, if not impossible to find before the so-called deadline. However, the consequences of a prolonged political vacuum would be devastating.

Fabrice Balanche is a lecturer in geography at Lyon-2 University and associate researcher at the Washington Institute, an American think-tank. A specialist in the Middle East, he claims his field experience for having lived there for ten years and publishes Syria Lebanon: Communitarianism and Power at the Rhine & Danube University Press (October 2022).

LE FIGARO. – Why is the Lebanese political class unable to reach an agreement to choose a successor to Michel Aoun?

Fabrice Balance. – There are currently…

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