Lecornu, Béchu, Cayeux, Klein… These ministers who abandon their local executive mandates

by time news

Next September, the Minister of Defense, Sébastien Lecornu, must, according to our information, leave the presidency of the departmental council of Eure. “Sébastien Lecornu has planned to bring together his majority at the start of the school year to discuss the continuation of the organization of the departmental executive, says those around him, without further details. He also spoke about it recently to the President of the Republic. »

Elected to this post in July 2021, Sébastien Lecornu had been authorized “for a time” by the Head of State to hold this responsibility, while being Minister (then in charge of Overseas Territories). If the law prohibits the cumulation between a function of head of local executive and that of parliamentarian, it does not prohibit the cumulation with that of minister. François Hollande had thus left Jean-Yves Le Drian to preside over the Brittany region, while working at La Défense from 2015 to 2017.

Nevertheless: since Lionel Jospin, the dominant use is that of non-accumulation. Moreover, in 2017, President Emmanuel Macron, just propelled to the Élysée, had given his ministers and mayors a month to leave the head of their local executive. Result, Edouard Philippe had resigned without waiting for the town hall of Le Havre.

“No cumulation of the functions of mayor and minister

This rule is back in force: “No accumulation of the functions of mayor and minister”, specifies Matignon. The members of the government line up there one after the other. Christophe Béchu (Ecological Transition) passed the hand on July 18 during a municipal council. He is now the first deputy mayor of Angers. In Beauvais, Caroline Cayeux (Local authorities) “will resign as mayor” at the start of the school year, explains one of her advisers.

Ditto for the Minister of the City, Olivier Klein. “He met with elected officials and city officials (from Clichy-sous-Bois) from his appointment, we recall in his entourage. There has not yet been a city council to make the change but it will be. Olivier Klein has already waived his mayoral indemnity on July 4. »

The only exception: the Secretary of State for Citizenship, Sonia Backès, will retain the presidency of the South Province, in New Caledonia. She announced it as soon as she was appointed to the Borne government on July 5, in an interview with the Nouvelle-Calédonie la 1re channel.

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